
A Conundrum for the Juvenile


(my winning piece in THNLC Season 2 2022)

       In this society is an ever-present line that divides the people - one path leads to a desirable destination, whilst the other leads to damnation.

       We live in a web-like world of infinite possibilities. Human lives are woven into strings of unfolding destiny that are constantly reverberating at the sound of both wise and ill decisions. Every person strides and zigzags all throughout the web in his entire life until his grip loosens at his demise. No act is random and no occurrence is futile. It is an interconnected society where the past gives birth to the present and the present sheds light to the future. However, at the very core of this web are the youth whose existence are most significant; For they carry the right amount of wisdom from the past and hold the required fire in their hearts that are expected to last. They are the primary molders of the future and the ones who cause the most vibrations in the web.

       In such a setting, it is important that the youth of today are equipped with virtues and moral compass, so the path ahead won’t be bleak and filled with doubt. Unfortunately, there’s an eternal dilemma going on inside the minds of these young people: the decision as to whether they will be a warrior who will fight for a better tomorrow or a villain who will make the walls of a fortress crumble. This is the choice they make everyday.

       The warriors exist. They are well-informed, socially aware and have active parts in their own communities. They speak with sense, write with wisdom and act with justice. Driven with a purpose, these children know how to keep their focus. In a quest to protect the weak and the oppressed, they are always ready to wield their weapons; yet they understand the value of peace and democracy; so they fight in the most diplomatic way that is possible. You’ll find them on social media: spilling facts and presenting substantial ideas. They lead an army of followers towards the right path. In fact, these youngsters are everywhere, you may see them in the streets holding placards or inside the school premises, trying to quench their thirst for knowledge. Do not be deceived by their looks for there are warriors who appear dazzling in fancy clothes while others hardly have a decent shirt.

       The villains also exist. They wear rose-colored glasses. To injustices, they always turn a blind eye. For them, their fellowmen and the environment are nothing but hosts that they can leech off in order to thrive. They speak trash, act based on impulse and wake up each day just to simply survive. Without a clearly defined purpose in mind, these people are not the type that you would want to rely on during a fight; for they easily switch sides. Not every villain lacks knowledge though. There are those who are gifted with intellect too, but simply chose to play this role. Truth be spoken, they are even more dangerous than the former. Like the good ones, they’re also active on social media, but use it for a different agenda: to lead the crowd to the wrong path by facilitating the spread of fake news and biased opinions. These children are threats to the preservation of a unified and prosperous nation.

       In everything we do, we paint the future in different hues. Moreover, the members of the youth are bestowed with the necessary power and vigor to craft a better tomorrow. Each movement travels in great lengths. Accordingly, they should make it matter by picking the right role. Their voices are loud, their ink never runs out and their bodies can withstand even the most difficult tests of life. However, capacity and ability can only do so much. It is still the character that determines the path that one will take and the kind of future he/she will devote to create. It is no question that the road towards general well-being and propriety is a rough ride. And just like how warriors do not always emerge victorious, there will be times when a young person’s character will be put to the test. They will make some mistakes.The border that separates them from those with ill intentions will break a few times and they will encounter many intersections throughout their lives. But one thing’s for sure: for as long as they still try to be a good one, they will never go astray.

        In this society is an ever-present line that divides the people - one path leads to a desirable destination, whilst the other leads to damnation. It is the line which separates what’s right from wrong. In this schism, where do you belong?

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A Conundrum for the Juvenile

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Updated on November 24, 2022

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