
Driving safety tips


Despite new advances in vehicle technology, such as backup cameras, adaptive headlights, and forward collision systems (FCS), car accidents still happen. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates 36,560 people were killed on the roads in 2018, and 2.71 million accident victims sustained injuries that required a visit to a medical professional.

Whether minor or severe, accidents can drastically change a person’s life. They can result in a loss of wages, pain, suffering, or permanent disabilities. Just because traffic accidents are common doesn’t mean familiarizing yourself with the facts should be brushed aside.

Each year, more than 800 people lose their lives on Hoosier roadways. Most of those crashes were caused by driver errors such as impaired driving, speeding, aggressive driving, or distracted driving. The good news is that as a driver, you hold the key to crash prevention. The following safety tips will help you avoid the most common fatal errors drivers make, and help you drive defensively to protect yourself against other drivers’ mistakes.

Driving safe tips every responsible driver should know

When you’re behind the wheel of a car – whether alone or with passengers – driving safely should always be your top concern. We’re more distracted than ever, so it’s crucial to know the basics of safe driving and practice them every time you’re on the road in order to drive responsibly. Here are some safe driving tips:

Focus on driving

maintaining focus on the road is key to driving safely. In order to keep focused while driving, you should follow these steps:

• Keep 100% of your attention on driving at all times – no multitasking.

• Don’t use your phone or any other electronic device while driving.

• Slow down. Speeding gives you less time to react and increases the severity of an accident.

Defensive driving

• Be aware of what other drivers around you are doing, and expect the unexpected.

• Assume other motorists will do something crazy, and always be prepared to avoid it.

• Keep a 2-second cushion between you and the car in front of you.

• Make those 4 seconds if the weather is bad.

Practice safety

• Secure cargo that may move around while the vehicle is in motion.

• Don’t attempt to retrieve items that fall to the floor.

• Have items needed within easy reach – such as toll fees, toll cards, and garage passes.

• Always wear your seat belt and drive sober and drug-free.

Make a safe driving plan

• Build time into your trip schedule to stop for food, rest breaks, phone calls, or other business.

• Adjust your seat, mirrors, and climate controls before putting the car in gear.

• Pull over to eat or drink. It takes only a few minutes.

Wear Your Seatbelt

According to studies, wearing a seatbelt reduces your chance of being killed in a car crash by 60 percent. A seatbelt is your best protection against injury and death in a highway crash. Don’t forget the following tips while driving:

• Never operate your car or truck until everyone is buckled up!

• Set a good example for your children. Use your seat belt every time you travel.

• Seat belts are your best defense against a drunk driver.

• Always use the seat belt properly. Adjust it so it lies across your upper thighs and fits snugly across the shoulder and chest.

Never Drive Impaired

In the U.S., an impaired driver kills someone every 30 seconds. Following these safety tips can help keep you from becoming a statistic:

• Don't risk it - If you plan to drive, don't drink.

• Choose a sober designated driver before partying.

• Take mass transit, a ride-sharing service, a taxicab, or ask a friend to drive you home.

• Spend the night where the activity is being held.

• Immediately report impaired drivers to law enforcement.

• Always wear your seat belt – it’s the best defense against an impaired driver.

More driving safety tips from Nationwide

• Don't allow children to fight or climb around in your car – they should be always buckled in their seats. Too much noise can easily distract you from focusing on the road.

• Avoid driving when you're tired. Be aware that some medications cause drowsiness and make operating a vehicle very dangerous. Learn more about drowsy driving.

• Always use caution when changing lanes. Cutting in front of someone, changing lanes too fast, or not using your signals may cause an accident or upset other drivers.

• Be extra careful while driving during deer season.

Safer Driving

Whether you’re a new driver or have been driving for decades, it’s important to think about driving safely.

The good news is that advances in car design and safety technology are helping protect you behind the wheel. You can also do several things to reduce your risk of an accident. Always stay alert. Resist the urge to text or talk on the phone. For more safe driving tips, see the Wise Choices box.

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Driving safety tips

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Published on March 19, 2023

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