
Natures Smile For Receding Gums


How To Prevent Receding Gums From Getting Worse

A healthy diet, regular checkups with your dentist, and a good oral hygiene routine can help prevent receding gums. But sometimes, your teeth and gums will need treatment without signs of oral health problems.

Using natural remedies along with standard medical or surgical treatments can improve results. However, none of these remedies can regenerate lost gum tissue.

What Are Receding Gums?

Gum recession is a common problem; it can get worse if left untreated. Receding gums can lead to tooth loss, as they deteriorate bone structure and expose the roots of teeth.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent receding gums from getting worse and improve the health of your teeth and gums. The good news is that many of these methods are natural and can be done immediately.

One of the most popular natural remedies is a hydrogen peroxide rinse that can be used 2 to 3 times a week. Using a 3% solution of bleach in water can help clean your mouth and reduce bacteria growth, which is a big help with receding gums. For more information click here

Another home remedy is oil pulling, which involves swishing a few drops of natural oil in your mouth, such as olive, coconut, or sesame. This process can remove plaque and other food particles that may cause gum problems.

Receding gums can be painful, so seeking treatment as soon as you notice them is important. A dentist can assess your oral health and provide the necessary treatments to treat your receding gums.

Causes And Symptoms Of Receding Gums

If you're noticing the start of the gum recession, seeing your dentist immediately is important. This condition can worsen and lead to tooth loss if not treated promptly.

Gum recession is commonly caused by periodontal disease, a bacterial infection that destroys gum tissue and supporting bone. This causes the gums to pull back and expose more of the tooth's root.

Receding gums can also be the result of other health issues. For example, if you have a genetic predisposition to developing gum disease or if you smoke, you're more at risk of having receding gums than others.

Another contributing factor is trauma to the mouth. This can be anything from bumping into something to brushing too hard or clenching your teeth.

Mild cases of receding gums can often be treated with a deep cleaning, which removes plaque and tartar and smoothes the exposed roots. However, in more severe cases, a dental professional may recommend gum surgery, using synthetic particles or grafts to reattach the missing gum tissue.

Natural Remedies

If you have a mild gum recession, natural remedies can help improve the appearance of your teeth and prevent further deterioration. However, they are not replacements for standard oral care, which consists of brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing often, and visiting your dentist for checkups and cleanings.

One effective remedy is a saltwater rinse that you can do at home. Mix a teaspoon of salt with a cup of water, then rinse your mouth twice or thrice daily.Another option is to use a combination of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water. Rinse your mouth with this solution for 30 seconds. Spit out the mixture afterward.

Neem, tea tree oil, and cranberry are other ingredients that may help strengthen your gums. They also have antibacterial properties and can help reduce inflammation in your gums.

Green tea is also a powerful ingredient to prevent gum disease. It can decrease inflammation, reduce bleeding, and promote better attachment of the gums to the teeth. Drink at least 1 to 2 cups of green tea a day.

Good Oral Hygiene

One of the best ways to prevent receding gums from worsening is to practice good oral hygiene every day. Brushing twice daily, flossing regularly, and using antimicrobial mouthwash can help keep bad bacteria at bay and prevent tooth decay, gingivitis, and periodontal disease.

Eating nutritious meals full of fiber and nutrients that support healthy teeth and gums is also essential. Eating a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables can naturally scrape away plaque from the surfaces of your teeth, making it less likely for bacteria to build up on them and cause cavities and gingivitis.

In addition, seeing the dentist for regular checkups and professional cleanings can help spot problems early, so they can be treated before they worsen. This can help you slow or stop the progression of gum recession so your smile remains healthy for years to come.

Surgical Treatments

If your gums are receding, your dentist may suggest a surgical treatment to help them heal and prevent the problem from worsening. These treatments include scaling and root planing, gum graft surgery, and gum rejuvenation.

A gum graft, also known as soft tissue grafting, is a procedure that uses tissue from other parts of the body to replace gum tissue lost due to receding or other causes. There are two standard types of grafts: connective tissue grafts and gingival grafts.

Gum graft surgery treats severe cases of receding gums and can protect the exposed roots from future decay or other problems. During the procedure, your dentist will take skin from the roof of the mouth and graft it to the affected gums to cover up the recessed areas.

Another alternative to traditional gum grafting is the Pinhole Surgical Technique, or PST(tm). This minimally-invasive procedure uses only a small hole in the existing tissue to complete the procedure. This allows the surgeon to work on multiple teeth in one session and minimizes the time required for the treatment.

Flap Surgery

Flap surgery is an effective treatment for gum disease. It removes bacteria and tartar that cause plaque and buildup in pockets between the teeth and gums. This treatment also helps regenerate lost periodontal ligament and bone tissue, which may have been damaged by gum disease.

During flap surgery, a dentist makes a small incision to separate the gums from the tooth and gently folds back the outer gum tissue to allow your dentist access to the roots and supporting ligament and bone tissue. The dentist can then assess the condition of the root and evaluate the extent of bacterial plaque and tartar deposits.

The dentist will then close the flap and stitch it together for faster healing. The stitches are removed after a week or ten days.A doctor who has a special interest in flap surgery will be your best choice for the procedure. He will ensure that the flap has a strong blood supply and can be repaired if needed.

Gum Graft

A gum graft is a surgery that can prevent receding gums from worsening. It can also prevent tooth loss and help you achieve a more even gum line.It's a quick and easy procedure often recommended for patients with severe gum recession. If you're a candidate for this procedure, your periodontist will harvest tissue from a donor site.

The tissue is placed where your gums have receded to cover the exposed roots and prevent further damage to the teeth. It can also strengthen the gums, reduce sensitivity to hot and cold foods, and make your smile look more attractive.

There are several types of gum grafts. Connective tissue grafts are the most common. This treatment involves removing some tissue from the roof of your mouth (the palate) and attaching it to the area where you're losing gum tissue.

A free gingival graft is another option. It's similar to a connective tissue graft, but instead of removing the top layer of tissue, it's removed directly. This procedure is recommended if you have thin gums that need to be reinforced.


Dental bonding is a great way to improve the appearance of teeth. It can close tooth gaps, change the size of teeth or even mask discoloration.It can also be used to restore a tooth that has been damaged. The procedure uses composite resin to change the shape and color of your teeth.

Using a special shade guide, your dentist selects a color that matches the rest of your teeth. The composite resin is then applied to your tooth and cured with ultraviolet light.

This process is relatively fast and requires very little downtime. In addition, it's one of the cheapest and least-intrusive treatments available today.Gum grafting is the other treatment available for this problem, but it's more complicated and requires more anesthesia than bonding. This means that it's not recommended for most people with gum recession.

However, if you're dealing with some areas of gum recession, we recommend trying a few natural remedies before visiting your dentist for standard treatment. Antioxidants like Turmeric Gel, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Aloe Vera, and Vitamin C can help prevent receding gums from worsening by reducing gum inflammation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What Is Flap Surgery?

A: Flap surgery is a treatment for gum disease. It involves making an incision in the gums to access the underlying bone and ligaments, removing bacteria and tartar, stimulating tissue regeneration, and closing the flap with sutures.

Q: Is Dental Bonding Effective For Receding Gums?

A: Yes, dental bonding can be used to restore a tooth damaged by gum recession. The procedure uses composite resin to change the shape and color of your teeth to close gaps and mask discoloration. Bonding is less invasive than gum grafting and requires very little downtime.

Q: What Can I Do At Home To Prevent Receding Gums?

A: Eating a healthy diet and practicing good oral hygiene are the best ways to prevent further gum recession. Natural remedies such as antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, aloe vera, and vitamin C can also help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Q: How Often Should I Visit My Periodontist?

A: It is recommended that patients visit their periodontist at least twice a year for cleanings and checkups. During these appointments, your periodontist can assess any changes in your oral health and recommend the appropriate treatment.


Gum recession is a common dental problem, but it doesn't have to be permanent. There are several treatments available that can help restore your gums and improve your smile. Bonding is the least invasive treatment and usually requires very little downtime. Gum grafting may be necessary if you're looking for more substantial results.

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Natures Smile For Receding Gums

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Published on March 23, 2023

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