
Illustration by @dariaesste

No Holds Barred


I don’t need a doctor or should I say..a psychiatrist? --to tell me I’m depressed.
I don’t want to lie to myself anymore. I have fallen in this black hole  and sadly up until now I don’t know how to crawl back to light.
How? How do I get back?

When a long time ago I don’t feel good about myself anymore.

When every morning I find it hard to get up on my bed. I just want to stay there. In the warm cocoon of my blanket. Hold my pillows that witnessed all my sorrows and pain I’m dealing each time.

I am so tired. And I want to sleep.

But I can’t sleep.

My insomnia is back.

And I think it’ll stay for good.

So most of the time I stay up all night.

Doing nothing.
Thinking. And I don’t want to think.

But I need to. To get up.
My mind says I need to.

So every time I do. I get up.
And face the world.
And do the routine I have already memorized.
Not by the heart.
You could say that’s what my mind command me to do.

For months I’ve been feeling this way…this weight on my shoulder.
Maybe it’s the reason why slowly..I’m starting to lose the people I care about.
The reason behind every failed relationship—or almost and every broken friendship.

How could you expect them to stay when you are such a mess nobody wants to deal with.
An over thinker.
A negative person.

You know what they say about negative people right? If you know what’s best for you..stay away from them.

But..have you ever wondered whatever happened to them?

When people leave them. Where do they go to?

Maybe in the corner licking their own wounds.
So funny when they were the ones who made it.

And truth is..I feel like giving up sometimes.
I won’t lie to you. Sometimes I want to escape. To the place where nothing hurts anymore.
And sometimes..sometimes I look at my ceiling. Wanting to do something. I think you know what it is.
But I’m small. I can’t reach the ceiling.
I’m just kidding.

Or not.

Sometimes I look at my wrist. Subconsciously..I reached for it. So fascinated by the veins there, blue and pulsing. Sometimes I feel like doing something. I think you have an idea what it is.

But I’m afraid of the sight of blood so most probably I’ll faint when I see it.
You could say I’m just kidding.
Or not.

I don’t care.

But you know what’s stopping me to do so?

No. Not myself. I am beginning to hate myself.

I always told her to forget about it. Stop thinking about it. Stop reminiscing what happened nearly a decade ago. Stop messing with her own brain. That it’s not her fault. She was just but a child then. There’s nothing she could do about it.

But no. She’s a stubborn one.

She kept on repeating the scene again and again.

As if it would change anything.

She knew nothing will change and all she got to do is move forward but no.. she’s still stuck there. In the past.

Each time when I’m about  to lay down my sword and give up the fight..I think about my parents. My mother, oh how  this letter would tear her apart. I feel like I’m failing her. I failed them. My family..they thought I’m a strong one. That I can do everything. But I’m not. I can’t. They don’t have any idea about this. About what I’m feeling. I’m dead inside. I want to reach out but I don’t want to bother them. I want to ask for help. Be it professional or just tell someone about it but I can’t. They’ll ask me what’s wrong and I can’t tell them.

To you who’s reading this, ever felt this way?
Tell me…what did you do or what are you still doing to get through to this?

I hope..I hope like me there’s still a reason why you’re still here.

Would it be too much if I ask you to seek for help..reach out your hand to someone, anyone..don't hide yourself in the corner, slay those demons and save yourself?

Don't be like me in other words.

Easier said than done, yeah?

But we gotta try, right? Unless you want to be called a coward?

Not me. And hopefully not you too.

Because if we give in to temptation then my friend..we lost the battle.

We will be forever considered a wimp and a weakling.

So fight till we make it.

And someday both of us will say: Fuck you Satan I’m still here. All bruised and tattered but still here. Guess who’s the winner?


We gotta hope so.

19 Launchers recommend this story
launchora_imgMelody Mishap
6 years ago
I feel you so completely...
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
? but thanks for the read.
launchora_imgOh Deer
6 years ago
Only few weeks ago I feel like I could no longer breathe and that I'm running out of time. Sometimes when I feel either better or neutral, I'm psychologically looking for sadness and then everything will crumble down to darkness once again. I hated the feeling but also comforted in the darkness. I also don't need other people, professional or not, to tell me the things I needed to do. I know what to do, or at least I think I know I do but at the end of the day I still prefer to lay in darkness and succumb to the probability of never-ceasing thoughts. It's wrong I know but this time, that's the only thing I could do-- to confront my anxiety and depression head on because I know I'll win. Somehow, I will.
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
Thanks for sharing and yes like you it's weird but sometimes I find solace in sadness..I don't know if it makes sense but sometimes when you're's like subconsciously you're looking for it...the sadness..maybe because it's the only thing you know and the only thing you're comfortable with. I don't know what I'm trying to say here honestly. but thank you for sharing. ?
launchora_imgOh Deer
6 years ago
Thanks to you too. I almost cried reading this, it's painful realizing we're struggling but we'll get better, maybe not today but we definitely will.
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
Misery loves company, eh? But yeah one day we will..we've got to and when that time comes we'll slay those demons and show them our middle finger. You didn't get us bitch. Excuse the language madam.?
launchora_imgOh Deer
6 years ago
Oh please be my guest! I've been waiting for that day to come. Haha.
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
We'll save those expletives for later use. ???
launchora_imgOh Deer
6 years ago
I'm afraid such profanity has eaten me. HAHA but yea, Satan better watch out when we finally recover
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
I think I like you girl. In a friendly kind of way.??
launchora_imgOh Deer
6 years ago
Same girl! ✌ I'm glad I stumbled upon your work. Will definitely read more of you!
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
Oh. I hope I won't bore you though. But thank you so much for this.?
launchora_imgOh Deer
6 years ago
Oh no, definitely not. I like reading and since I lost my way with words, I'm very fascinated with other writers' train of thought and techniques. I hope that doesn't sound weird haha
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
Why? Writer's block? No it's not weird..well I'm weird too so I don't know.?
launchora_imgOh Deer
6 years ago
Haha. That's kind of cheeky. Yes, I've lost it, probably a year now. It sucks.
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
Oh. I know the feeling. I had it for like seven years. Yeah. truly sucks and equally heartbreaking.
launchora_imgOh Deer
6 years ago
How did you cope up with it? How did you get back?
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
No. I didn't. I still have it.
launchora_imgLaunchora User
6 years ago
Well, I can feel each word of yours as You know I have also went through everything you are currently going through. The only you can Do is keep your optimism and hope that this bad phase of your life get over soon.
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
Yes. I know I'm not alone on this one. That keeps me going. If they can do it.then why not me right? Anyway, thank you.
launchora_imgLaunchora User
6 years ago
Yes, you can do as you are quite strong girl. Always keep your optimism going, you will win. And if you trust my words then I request you to read two books. 1. I am the mind written by deep trivedi and 2. Power is with in you by Louis l hay
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
Okay I will. thanks
launchora_imgLaunchora User
6 years ago
Damang dama ko to. Its exactly the things I've been doing and and thinking lately. Thank you for this ? Fighting lang, Let's Keep Going! ; ???
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
Aja? ? Seryoso ba to?
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
Seriously thank you. I'm glad that I met you.?
launchora_imgLaunchora User
6 years ago
Hulog ka ng langit ?❤
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
Ayiie ang sweet. ? Don't fall for me though. Di talo. ? Joke lang.
launchora_imgLaunchora User
6 years ago
Hahaha no way! Duhh?! ?
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
hahahahaha eew?
launchora_imgLaunchora User
6 years ago
I wish I could show you some way to get out of this, but I myself don't find any yet. Hoping this will get better soon is how I convince myself. I hope you find your way soon. Your words though - they make the reader connect to it so well.. Like he/she can feel all the emotions.
launchora_imgeuphemia clyne
6 years ago
Thank you moon girl that means a lot to me. ?
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No Holds Barred

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Updated on February 12, 2018

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