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Imagine walking into a work event that is full of people and you end up striking up a really great conversation with someone. Then as the person is about to leave, he or she says, "It's been really great talking to you! Do you have a business card?
If you don't have one, you would have to fumble around awkwardly for a piece of paper and pen to write down your contact. Or this person would have to take out their phone to enter your information, which is both time-consuming and inconvenient. And what if they forget your name? How do they even look up your phone number?
If you do have a business card, however, then you can just hand it off to the person and walk away feeling confident.
This brings us to the number one reason to have business cards.
1. Professionalism
When you have a business card, it signals to people that you have experience with networking. It tells people it's not your first time and that you or your company cared enough to make something specifically for this reason so as to not waste other people's time. It tells them you value time and efficiency.
Furthermore, it also demonstrates that you or your company believes in your business and have given thought to the image and branding of your business. Business cards don't just have your name, email, or phone number on it, right? It also has graphics, logos, and images. Together, all of these elements project an image of you and your business.
2. Help People Remember You
Let's face it, in our information overload world, we can only remember so much. Whether you work in a profession where you do or don't meet many people on a daily basis, it can still be a challenge for some of us to remember other people's names and faces.
Lastly, sometimes when we think we might need someone's help in the future, we want to have a way to remember them but not necessarily keep them in the forefront of our minds yet. That's when we're happy we kept someone's business card.
3. It's Still Relevant
Despite the world becoming more and more digital, there is plenty of evidence around to show people still rely on business cards. Look at the front desk of any place you visit occasionally such as your doctor, dentist, or accountant, they all have business cards and day after day, they have to refill them.
Not everyone is fond of using their phones to store everything. Not everyone is fond of looking things up every time they want to get in touch with someone. If you look into anyone's wallet or drawer, chances are, they will have someone's business card stored in there and actually use it.
4. Its Much More Personal
When you hand out a business card, you're handing out a physical extension of yourself and your business. It's something a person can hold onto, touch and feel and while it may not seem that different from typing in your information into someone's phone, there is a sensory difference to it.
Instead of staring at your name and phone number on a screen, next to dozens of other phone numbers, this person can look on a business card where your information appears in a unique text, different colors, and on something that feels nice. A business card feels much more personal because it is a physical object. It is real and it can be touched unlike information on your phone which only exists virtually.
5. Help You Stand Out
Nowadays, with same day printing and custom templates, anyone can design unique business cards easily and quickly. With tons of materials like cotton, linen, or even suede, and ink choices to choose from, you don't have to worry about having the same business card as someone else. The combinations of designs are endless.
A well-designed business card also doesn't just tell your name and contact information, it tells the other person who you are and your style. If your business card really stands out, people will look at it several times and ask you about it. It becomes a conversation topic and it's a great way to engage people and end conversations in a memorable way.
6. It's a Marketing Tool
Your business card is a small piece of advertisement that travels with the person who carries it. It may not be the intended design of business cards but they often do end up being passed around or stuck on bulletin boards in public spaces. In co working spaces especially, business cards tend to be passed around a lot because everyone is always looking for help from someone.
If your service is good and people like what you do, chances are, they will share your information with other people. And if they have your business card, this makes it much easier for them to pass on your information.
One easy way to promote yourself is to hand out your business card to family and friends who can help you spread the word. Another is to put referral codes that offer discounts or rewards to clients who use them.
7. Generate Leads
Another reason for why business cards are important is that even if someone is not completely sure about your products or services, leaving them with your business card tell them you are available for them when they are ready. You are giving them the option to get in touch with you without pressure. This works perfectly for people who need a little more time to decide.
In addition, if you have a website, you can leave the website's address on there for people to look you up. Maybe they are curious about your business and want to ask you questions but they are shy or simply prefer to do their own research. Having your website on your business card will give them the chance to find out more about you on their own and it'll also generate website traffic for you.
8. Business Cards Are Part of the Future
Although business cards have been around for many years, they do not show any signs of stopping. In fact, in certain professions, business cards are a way to display status and success.
For example, some companies started making business cards with diamond studs for top-tiered executives, and another started linking 3D images for customers to view them through apps. While both of these options are a bit on the extreme end, they work to capture their target audience's attention and remember them, which is what business cards are really about.
Of course, you do not need to have premier business cards for people to remember you. What's important is that you know business cards are still very much relevant in today's business world and they won't be going away anytime soon.
A Tool to Help You Succeed
Some people argue business cards don't work anymore because they end up in the trash but these are also the same people who are not using them properly. They make small talk during networking events, give out their business cards, walk away, and think they're done. This is not the most effective way to use business cards.
77 Launches
Part of the Self-Help collection
Published on February 10, 2021
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