
First Love

There’s no love like the first! (Cliche, but somewhat true)

When our hearts were still innocent and pure, when a stolen kiss or spin the bottle gave us the chills, when someone called us their boyfriend/girlfriend for the first time - those pangs of love stay sealed into our brains and we never really forget our first love.

No matter what age, a first romance has an innocence and wonder that truly brings the phrase “head over heels” to life. It gives us joy, makes us scream with utter happiness, warms our little hearts and even makes us cry. More than the feeling, it’s the person that you never forget and their love leaves an imprint on our hearts which stays forever.

Tap into the ‘Loves Me, Loves Me Not’ time, where every little thing means so much more and share with us your story of First Love.  Start your story by tapping on 'start writing' below. You can title the story 'First Love' or mention it in the description as #FirstLove.

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