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“A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom. He has no master except his own soul, and that, I am sure, is why he does it.” – Roald Dahl
Have you ever asked yourself this question: “Why do I write?”
Is there a reason? Or is the reason the answer?
This adventure - ‘I write because…’ is about you telling the community your journey as a storyteller - share with your fellow storytellers why you chose creativity, or why creativity chose you. If you ask yourself ‘why’, you might find new answers to questions you haven’t even asked yet. And perhaps it could help you figure out the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ next time you feel like your mind is in creativity jail (imaginarily real place).
So what can you write about? You could write about…
When this ‘story-sharing’ phenomenon happened to you…
How it happened to you…
Which aspects of storytelling gradually interested you…
How you have used storytelling to learn more about yourself...
How you got better with time…
Why a dialogue, poem, play interested you, their technicalities which intrigued you….
Or maybe just one day you realised that this is your only way to express yourself…
Tell us reasons because your answers could be someone’s questions!
If you need help with starting this adventure, try something like this (or create your own!) -
I write because writing is liberating...
I write because the way a stanza finds itself through those words making a poem always intrigued me…
I write because it helped me fix myself...
Click on start writing below, and mention the ‘I write because’ adventure in your story description when you publish.
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