

Note: This adventure has been closed now (July15, 2018 - August 11, 2018). However, you can always  click a picture and tell your story on Launchora!

PictoStory Winner - Pragya (warp_and-word)

Fourth Word Prompt - Fire

Third Word Prompt - Earth

Second Word Prompt - Water 

First Word Prompt - Air

How to play?


Step 1: Click a picture related to the Theme of the Week.

Step 2: Post it on Instagram and tag @Launchora and @airlesspromises.

Step 3: In the caption, Write a story (within 300 words) around the picture of how you relate to it.

Step 4: Tag two of your friends, whom you’d like to dedicate this story and challenge them to participate.

Step 5: Use #Launchora in the caption for us to find your stories.


Read further to know about the Adventure


Everyone is a story. Every person has a story. So do pictures. What if they could speak and tell you a story? As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. So in this Adventure, let’s make stories with pictures and words. Think outside the box, because it isn’t bounded by very much.

For this Adventure, we have collaborated with Tanya of @airlesspromises, an active storytelling Instagrammer/Influencer and author of the book ‘Roots and Chaos’ who will be giving out a one word prompt every Sunday for a month. All you have to do is take this prompt, use it to associate and express your story and form a PictoStory (Picture+Story) around it. Go crazy with your imagination, click a picture related to the prompt (word of the week), any picture and write your story around the picture in the description of your Instagram post, tag @Launchora and @airlesspromises and two of your storyteller friends in the comments of your post that you would like to dedicate your story and challenge them to participate in the Adventure.

The word prompts will be updated on this page and our Instagram account every Sunday. You need to use the word prompt to form a story or poetry, fiction or nonfiction, but it needs to be based on the picture that you use. Also, don’t forget to tag @Launchora and @airlesspromises and use the #Launchora for us to find and read your stories.

A winner will be picked out at the end of the Adventure by Tanya, based on the creative context of your writing and picture, and the winner announcement for the same will be made here on this Adventure Page.   Also, we will be re-posting the best PictoStories with due credits on our Instagram account throughout the month. And, that’s obviously not all! The winner will get our exclusive ‘Storyteller Tote Bag’ for free from our exclusive storytelling store.

So, keep checking this space and our Instagram account for a new prompt every Saturday and don’t forget to check out @airlesspromises.

It's time to click a picture and tell a story!

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