
Poetry Wars

Our community set out on a poetic journey with our playground adventure Poetry Wars, a place where ideas turn into poems. Throughout this adventure, your poetry came together on the same topics bringing in newer words, greater emotions, and deeper courage with every passing week.

Even though we wrapped up our last volume of Poetry Wars on 1st September 2017, we are keeping this adventure open for anyone looking for creative poetry ideas.

These concepts are arbitrary in nature. You may take them to any genre, any collection, any rhyme scheme, and make them yours.

We will release the next volume of Poetry Wars with fresh and newer prompts soon. Meanwhile, check out this space containing all the past volumes and cues for creative writing inspiration -


Volume IV

Part V

“For you always”


Part IV
“Say it, Say it now”


Part III

“I am the rainbow you can’t see”


Part II

“Like a treasure found at last”

Part I

“Let the heart speak”

Volume III


Part IV

“Together Forever”


Part III

“Such is love”


Part II

“My Story”


Part I

“Pitter Patter”

Volume II

Part V

“Write a poem to your heart telling it that you can hear its voice.”


Part IV

“Write a diary entry in the form of poetry, about a place that you loved visiting.”

Part III

“When you weren’t going to take ‘No’ for an answer.”


Part II

“Ode to the inner self.”


Part I

“Remembering the time when your love wasn’t taken seriously.”

Volume I

Part V

“And where you left me I knew no return...”


Part IV

“Oh these lines! These lines on our hands…”


Part III

“We dreamt less but we dreamt together…”


Part II

“The will in me - Is the will, that i can’t see…”


Part I

“ Pick up the pieces of my heart, Take them with you…”

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