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This adventure is contributed by Walking Contradiction.
There are some words that we choose not to say. There are some words that we choose not to write down. Maybe this is due to fear of being left out when the words are said, or maybe this is because we choose not to ruin anything as of the present moment. But the words that we choose not to say, the words that we choose not to write down, tend to be the words that are necessary for us to live, to grow, and to aspire. I want to hear and read those words in between the lines, the ones that you choose not to say or write.
It’s simple, what I want you to do is to write raw and pure emotions, may it be hatred, melancholy, or depression. May it be happiness, ecstasy, or joy, it is all up to you. The degrees of emotions can only be identified by the writer and the pen is now yours for you to become your true self.
Remember yourself, remember that coffee you took this morning, how it tasted and how it felt, remember your diary from ten years ago, how you write down the words and what you have felt as you write them down. Too far? Alright, maybe just remember the things essential to you, because, this time it is about you.
There are varying questions that could help guide you on this journey and don’t make this journey to be just a one-time thing, let it grow and I tell you, it will grow just like plants in a well-maintained garden, but that is only if you choose to. These questions and this adventure will help you maintain your self-awareness and to become your true self.
These questions are simple.
What am I feeling right now?
Who am I in context of others (friends, family, lovers)?
What are the words I choose not to say, as of the moment?
What are the words I’ve been longing to say, to myself and to others?
Who am I to myself?
These questions are simple but they come with weight. This will help you realize your journey as a writer. So why don’t you start now?
This journey is endless and there will always be space for self-creation. Just like how the writer creates the story, the story too creates the writer. Bring yourself into your own story and you will see how much you have grown throughout your years.
And don’t forget to write down in your story’s description: “The words between my lines”.
Go on, create a story for yourself this time, write what you want yourself to read and hear. Let it be your electric moment that will ignite your journey as an aspiring writer and remember that there is no shout towards oblivion, only a shout towards the next lifetime.
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