
3 Debt Consolidation Myths to Avoid


Today, you will find many lenders online offering debt consolidation loans to individuals as well as businesses to dig out of their debts. Then, there are numerous myths and half-truths that let people and entrepreneurs believe they will not become eligible for a consolidated loan. It does not translate that you will not choose consolidation when you want to become debt-free to repay small loans and merge them into a single account. Never lose such opportunities to ensure your financial stability just because these myths or fallacies are surrounding debt consolidation. If you have any questions, talk to online lenders or research to find the truth. It does not make sense to start believing something that is untrue and make your financial decisions based on those misconceptions.

According to an article published on, there are many student debt myths that can cost you big time. You will find numerous myths surrounding debt consolidation and about lenders who offer consolidation options to make borrowers’ lives easy and stress-free. Listening to such myths and fallacies will not do you any good or to your financial condition.

Instead, consider the benefits of consolidation loans that will help you to dig out of your debt and focus on your company to expand it further in the days to come. Businesses may face challenges from their competitors and lose customers if you pay heed to these myths and misconceptions. If you have, any questions related to consolidation loans, take some time out of your busy schedule and read books, online resources to learn more about the same and loan providers online. Do your research instead and avoid the lies that people spread. Read on reality paper to learn more about three of these debt consolidation myths and avoid the same.

1. The minimized interest rate will harm you

It is the greatest of the myths surrounding debt consolidation. In fact, the benefit of consolidating your small debts is that it stops you from paying a high rate of interest that you shell out for your multiple credit card debts. It is nothing but a lie to mislead borrowers who want to dig out of their debt as soon as possible. Did you know that the card you use to shop on credit carries an interest of a whopping 20 percent to make you penniless? Yes, a high rate of credit card interest will rip you off financially in no time if you do not repay all your outstanding balances on time.

The interest rate on a consolidation loan is 12 percent, not more, provided you have a good credit score and more or less have some financial ability to repay the amount on time. You have the option to pay off the loan every month for a period of five years. The benefit? It makes your payments equally spaced out. Both individuals and business owners enjoy some financial relief when they opt for consolidation loans for repaying their old debts. You feel stress-free after making payments every month on the due date. Therefore, do not listen to lies and fake propaganda that will ruin your peace of mind. If you want to learn more about debt consolidation benefits, look up websites such as or similar platforms that are happy to come to the assistance of borrowers.

2. Consolidation and settlement are all the same

This is another lie. Consolidation and debt settlement are two different things that borrowers should know about now. As far as consolidation is concerned, you take out money from an online lender or bank and use the money to pay off your multiple loans. Debt settlement, on the contrary, is looking for a negotiator to minimize the amount borrowed when you want to repay your creditors. How the two can be the same then? They are two different ways to repay your loans. It is as simple as that.

If you are looking for settlement options, you need to look for a professional like an insolvency attorney or a trustee to convince your creditors to reduce a portion of the borrowed money. If the negotiator knows the ins-and-outs of loan and negotiation, he will succeed in reducing your loan, else not.

Though consolidation will not reduce the amount you have borrowed from a bank or an online lender, you can use the money to pay off your small and big loans at a reduced interest rate. Moreover, you can pay off your dues quickly. Therefore, the differences are clear to you now. There is no option to negotiate if you are choosing consolidation and Money heist season 3.  You will need to repay the full amount but at a minimized interest and fast. 

Debt settlement will leave behind some indications that credit companies may notice. The process may have an impact on your capability to apply for loans or influence the factors that come with future debts or loans.

3. Consolidation will make you bankrupt

There are many myths surrounding consolidation loans. One is that it leads to bankruptcy. What a lie! Please avoid people who spread these fallacies to mislead you. Listening to these lies will not do any good nor can you become debt-free. The myth is just separating reality from falsehood. As a mature person, you need to understand these things and make sound, wise decisions.

Consolidation will help you overcome your current financial problems and prevent your debts from piling up over the years. It helps you combine all your debts and make a single payment in a month and at one due date. It also helps to deal with your debts easily. There is no question of bankruptcy. There are confusion and complications because you make a single payment at a reasonable rate of interest. There are no multiple due dates, payments, or more than one creditor in a month. Consolidation will help to cut back on your interest. It will help to make debt management easy and hassle-free for you. You become stress-free and relaxed when all your debts are repaid on time. Also visit here:


Do not pay heed to consolidation myths. Focus on your current finances instead and opt for a consolidation loan if it makes sense to you. 

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launchora_imgMaria Jones
4 years ago
Thanks for sharing this
launchora_imgMaria Jones
4 years ago
"Debt Consolidation" topic is really nice. Reading this article could be very time save to know about Debt Consolidation Myths. We have to follow this blog to get aware to this types of Myths.
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3 Debt Consolidation Myths to Avoid

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