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Assassin's Creed Hidden Blade Wiki


If you have played Assassin's Creed and want to learn about the hidden blade, look no further. The Hidden Blade is a great way to stay undetected and surprise your assailants. There are several different variants of the weapon, so be sure to learn all of them.

Assassin's Creed weapon

The Hidden Blade is a Onion links right-of-passage weapon for Assassins. Activated with a flick of the wrist, this weapon was created by Edward Kenway. The first prototype had a control apparatus located around the pinky finger, but later evolved into a wrist flick.

The Hidden Blade has many variations in the Assassin's Creed series. Its slender, short blade can be wielded for both melee and ranged attacks. Players can equip the weapon with a variety of different styles and materials.

In recent years, the Hidden Blade has been modified to serve multiple purposes. Each game has a different use for it, requiring different positioning and usage. In the first game, the Hidden Blade was heavily used in combat. Using it in the story and on normal targets requires different positioning.

Throughout the Assassin's Creed series, the Hidden Blade has been adapted to suit the needs of the characters. Its origins are from early Levantine Assassins, who could easily be identified by their lack of ring fingers. However, Altair changed it in the 13th century to prevent this from happening. As such, the Hidden Blade allows the player to bend their hand back while killing an enemy.

The modern-day version of the Hidden Blade is shorter and thinner, measuring 3.25 inches. Its length was reduced to account for modern security systems. However, in the E3 Trailer and the opening cinematics of Assassin's Creed III, Ezio is shown with the second Hidden Blade bracer.

The hidden blade can break if enough force is applied to it. As such, players should not use this weapon in combat unless they are confident with their combat skills. A broken blade would be useless, so Altair should only use it when necessary to eliminate an enemy. The blade can also be wedged into something or snapped if enough force is applied to it. While this is rare, it is worth noting.


The evolution of Hidden Blade is a fascinating subject for fans of the game. Its earliest designs had the control apparatus circling the pinky finger. The design changed over time and was first described by Edward Kenway in the 18th century. He later claimed that the Hidden Blade could be activated by flicking the wrist.

In Assassin's Creed, the Hidden Blade has been modified many times throughout its history. The ring finger is absent when an Assassin uses the Hidden Blade, and Altair subsequently altered it to be hidden when the user isn't prone. Assassins were often detected due to their lack of a ring finger, so they had to change their hand's mechanism to make it less likely to be tracked.

Another modification of the Hidden Blade was the Hookblade. This weapon was originally developed for the Assassin Brotherhood of Constantinople and was attached to the secondary Hidden Blade. This weapon combined a curved hook with a normal blade, which facilitated freerunning and combat. In addition, the hook was designed to prevent the user from losing control of the blade while he is chopping or slashing.

Another major change in the series was the introduction of the Hidden Blade in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. It was originally used exclusively in assassination attempts, but later on the Hidden Blade was restructured to work in melee. However, it had a major drawback, and was mainly used for assassinations. It required the player to charge the Hidden Blade while attacking, resulting in a dull attack animation.


The Hidden Blade has undergone several different modifications over the years. The first was the Pivot Blade, which made the Hidden Blade a dagger. This new feature allowed the Hidden Blade to be used for close combat kills, assassinations, and skinning. These modifications made the Hidden Blade much more practical and effective for use in combat.

In a previous edition, the Hidden Blade was only capable of cutting a single target. However, the new blade is able to cut through a variety of materials, including carbon-based metal, tungsten, and even some life forms. The blade also contains a battery that needs to be recharged after every 20 successful attacks. This battery can also be connected to the Flashlight modification, which grants an additional ten uses.

The Hidden Blade's history goes back many millennia. It was first used by an Assassin named Darius. He passed it on to his successor Bayek, who made it the signature weapon of the Assassin Brotherhood. Through the millennia since then, it has undergone several refinements and improvements. Originally, the Hidden Blade needed a ring finger to be used, but Altair Ibn-La'Ahad changed it so that it could be used by both hands.

The Phantom Blade is another modification of the Hidden Blade. It's a miniaturized crossbow attached to the gauntlet. It compliments the Hidden Blade and allows the Hidden Assassin to assassinate enemies at a distance. The Phantom Blade debuted in Assassin's Creed: Unity in 2014. As a result, it became the principal ranged assassination tool.

As the game continues, the Hidden Blade is more versatile than ever. Its spring-loaded mechanism allows it to spontaneously extend and retract. It can be used to carry out stealth attacks, as well as regular combat. It can be paired with an arm brace to make it more concealable.


Throughout the History of Assassin's Creed, the Hidden Blade has gone through several changes. The first version required assassins to remove the ring finger when using the weapon. This was a method used to make it harder for enemies to trace Assassins. However, Altair changed the design of the Hidden Blade to eliminate the need to cut off the ring finger and to make it easier to operate.

As the conflict between the Assassins and the Templars evolved, so did the Hidden Blade. Though it eventually lost its popularity in the 21st century, Assassins continued to use it in a variety of situations, including in Japan and India. In the latter case, Assassins made use of explosives attached to the blade.

The history of the Hidden Blade can be traced back to around 500 BCE, when King Xerxes was killed by Darius. Hidden blades were also used in the High Middle Ages by assassins. Since they were so difficult to see, assassins were able to kill targets in less time. The first modern Hidden Blade was designed by Altair Ibn-La'Ahad using an Apple of Eden, an object that had special meaning to him.

After the creation of the Hidden Blade, the sword received many improvements. The first version had a control apparatus around the pinky finger. Later, the blade received a hook and a trident blade. These upgrades would later be incorporated into the Hidden Blade's design. These upgrades would make it possible for the sword to be used in a variety of situations.

After the invention of the Hidden Blade, individual brotherhoods adopted it as their own style. The Assassins of the Ottoman Empire used hook blades while the Chinese Assassins made use of extra blades. In 1770, Achilles Davenport acquired the weapon and passed it on to Ratonhnhake:ton.

Although the hidden blade is one of the most powerful features of the Assassin class, it has also fallen into the hands of the Templar Order. Several of the Assassins who betrayed the Order used their Hidden Blades to hunt down their former brothers.

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