
Dental SEO Services: SEO Best Practices Which Every Dentist Website Needs


Dentistry is a very competitive profession. If you're not the only dentist in your area or other dentists can successfully market themselves as providing better services (even if it's pretty much the same across the board), they can attract better customers for themselves.

Therefore, to be successful, you would need to be well known and more visible. Dental SEO company can help your dental website stand out among the rest in your area. This is why SEO best practices can help achieve an effective online presence in a competitive market and a successful dental career.

Previously, people used to look up Yellow Pages to find their nearest dentist, but now Google is taking over and replacing it.

These are some of the SEO practices every dentist needs to implement on their clinics' websites:

Dental Oriented Keyword Research

Doing the wrong SEO can lose you patients to your competitors, and this can be avoided by making sure that your dentist website has been using the best keywords.

Google uses a particular set of algorithms with more than 200 ranking factors for relevancy to the users' searches. You have to build your content around the keywords the searches of your potential and future patients. Your keywords need to best reflect the services you offer.

You can use a keyword research tool to make this easier for you. You can start by compiling a list of keywords that have been found to drive organic traffic. The search volume of the keyword should tell you essential it is. OR you can get keyword research services from SEO Agencies.

Once you're done with the keyword list, you should now apply them in your headlines, URLs, descriptions, meta descriptions, content, alt text, and every suitable place you can find.

In terms of content, there is no such specific frequency for the ideal use of the keywords. But make sure that they appear at least once every page without making it feel that you're copying and using the keywords just for the sake of using the keywords.

Local SEO Has To Take Priority

Most of your patients will be from the area where you are providing your services or where your own clinic is located. However, you might find patients coming to you from afar after you've successfully presented or proven that you provide better services than anyone else.

This is why you'll see searches such as "dentist near me" as one of the most common Google searches. You could also position the keyword optimization around specific services such as "root canal in london", "best wisdom teeth removal in utah", "emergency dentist in melboune", "dental implants near me", or "calculus removal dental service in sydney".

While the location may be a major factor, unlike other healthcare sectors, it's unlikely that a patient's decision will rely exclusively on the area of dental services. The patient will want the best and most effective treatment for their pain, and many will compromise on the cost only to rid themselves of the pain.

Competing With Others

When analyzing your competitors, you might find that they are using specific keywords that you might not be using. You can even use their keywords as a part of your SEO strategy.

Your specialized services may be the need of a certain group of patients. Researching your competitors will give you a clear idea of which keywords have been helping other dentists rank higher. With this information in mind, you could also recognize which links can prove beneficial for your website,

Maybe you offer something that your competitors don't, highlight them, and incorporate those keywords into the content where you highlight them.

Google My Business

Getting a business listing on Google My Business (GMB) is free. With a GMB profile, you'll be able to precisely provide your business information and ensure that it's easily linkable. You should also claim your business address with it so that it becomes visible on Google Maps.

All of your services, specialties, information, and descriptions should be present.

A piece of advice that stems from GMB is that you should always advertise with photos of your clinic. Don't use stock photos because your patients will know beforehand what kind of venue and apparatus they should expect. A professional environment always appeals to the audience. Google also has recommendations for content.

You should also post regularly to your GMB because it keeps you active, and Google's search algorithms favor active pages.

Regularly Maintain Your Blog

Blogging might seem like you're giving away some of your information and advice for free. However, this is a great way to build your credibility. The more visible and credible you appear as a dentist, the more likely it is for patients to come to you. The best way for this is blogging.

You can provide oral hygiene tips, dental care advices, and case studies which contribute to a great blog. However, not all problems can be solved by advice online. You can also provide advices that can bring patients to book appointments to you.

You would have to maintain a blog regularly, though, because as with GMB, Google also favors regularly active websites in its search.

Fun fact: a lot of the content is now being posted in the form of video. People love to see behind the scenes and steps of operations and surgeries. No matter how gross it looks, it can be oddly satisfying. To drive more traffic to your website and display your dental practices' effectiveness, it's a great idea to have video content in your blogs.


Posting great content to improve the quality of your website also increases the chances of creating links. The more your website is linked, the higher your website will rank. This will also increase your domain authority.

Improving domain authority is essential. Suppose another website with a greater domain authority (for instance, the Guardian) posts an article with similar content as yours. In that case, they will rank higher simply because of the domain authority they have earned over the years. Earning backlinks contribute to this a lot.

You can reach out to bloggers and other major players in the dental industry to see if they can share your content, or if your content can be a good fit for their page.

Keep Track Of Analytics

Your goal in SEO is to reach more people and get more patients. Analytics is a great way to track your progress. Google Analytics is a great way to gauge the progress of your website. You should know how much traffic comes to your website and how much of it converts into leads and appointments.


If someone is looking for a doctor online, the most credible source would be reviews and testimonials from patients. According to a survey, 72% of patients first look at online reviews as a first step in finding a new doctor for themselves. (

Encourage your patients for reviews. Reviews on Google would significantly help you build reputation and will help your website rank higher.

Do you have a patient who can smile better because of your service? Do you have a patient that has just been so satisfied with your dental surgery that he would love to recommend you to anyone again? It's a great idea to request a review.

Search engines rank high-rated professionals higher in their search results.

If you have a presence on social media, then getting reviews on social media would help too. People have been using social media, such as Facebook, as search engines too.

Technical Error-Free Website

You have everything ready for your website, but when you load the website on your phone, it takes more than 10 seconds. That's the time it takes for a patient to drive themselves away from your site.

Most searches take place on the phone. If a patient knows that you're the right guy for his toothache, but he's having issues with the website because it's not well optimized, then you've lost a potential patient.

Your website should be free of technical issues at all times, and it should be optimized for mobile.

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Dental SEO Services: SEO Best Practices Which Every Dentist Website Needs

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