
Happily Strangers



Said the air hostess of the flight.

Some were busy loading their hand luggages, some were moving in search of their seats, some first timers (- first time flight is always a mix of nervousness and excitement isn't it?), some families going on a vacation, some newlywed couples just waiting to start their lives together, some youngsters, some working people and so on - everyone had their own story to tell.

She greeted the tensed yet beautifully smiling air hostess back and walked through the aisle in search of her spot. She sat uncomfortably in the corner window seat - just what I wanted, she thought and kept her handbag with her - or so what her ma told her to. A gentleman came and sat in a seat but one from hers - Ah, a businessman - the stern demeanour and his appearance made her think so. He loaded his luggage and sat rather comfortably. She was keen to know how he puts on the seat belt - she had always seen that on movies, how people put on seat belts when they are in a flight. She was looking at him carefully and caught him looking at her back, she swiftly turned her face to the window, flushing. As she was looking away, trying not to think of the embarrassment, she lost in thoughts, a guy she saw in the waiting room. A young, charming and a really really good looking guy. Part of her thought he's just one among the list of stranger crush she's had and the other badly wanted to see him again or maybe, just maybe, sit next to him - such a cliche, she told herself. As much as she likes talking to people she also likes to just observe people and cook up stories about their lives in her head. The guy, probably just out of college, the woman and the other guy probably his sister and her husband, with their kids to send him off on a long journey, maybe he's also a grad ready to fly to a new country to start his life just like her, she thought. A soft voice shook her from her thoughts, she turned to her side and saw that guy sitting next to her. She froze for a moment - just like Bollywood movies, she thought.

He told her to put on the seat belt as the flight was about to take off. Nervously she put on her seat belt and saw the flight attendants giving instructions, physically looking and on her head she was already married to that cute nameless stranger sitting next to her with two beautiful kids and not to mention a dog. In the process of trying to pretend that she didn't give a damn about the guy, hours went by. Then he broke the ice by saying hi to her - such clinche. She said hi back, trying not to blush. They exchanged the usual pleasantries. Then they spoke about books, life, travel, art and everything. Out of curiosity she asked him about his family and that's when he said, I don't mind telling you about my family and what I do, but do we have space in our head to hold the memories of everyone we meet in life? At one point this conversation right now will become a memory and soon a distant memory and soon it'll be replaced by a new one. So I say why don't we be Happily Strangers? And be remembered as one? She was taken aback and she nodded. They spoke for hours and hours, in between her curiosity took a leap ahead, she wanted to know about this guy. Finally It was time, to get out of the connecting flight and take the next (for her). They got up and took their luggages, standing in the queue while people were scurrying about, for a second she thought what if they catch the next flight together!? - CLICHE, she said and rolled her eyes. They came out together, she wanted to ask him one last time where he's heading to, right when he turned towards her and told her that he saw her staring at him in the waiting room. She almost wanted to run away from that place far far away, but in a second they both laughed it off and said their good byes.

She was sitting in the waiting room, the man left but the curiosity never really did. Now she was wondering if that woman was his wife and those kids were his, the thought made her laugh so much that the people around her looked at her. She looked down at the book she was reading and whispered 'Happily Strangers' and prepared herself for the next journey to come.

Between Bollywood movies and cliches life happened. Happens.

5 Launchers recommend this story
launchora_imgSam Soly
6 years ago
Descriptive and nice.. keep writing!
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Happily Strangers

36 Launches

Part of the Life collection

Published on September 17, 2017

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