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How Do The Planets Affect Our Emotions & Decisions? The Expert Astrologer Reveals


Planets affect our emotions & decisions! Read what the expert astrologers have to say about it. 

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I often heard my friend Cathy talk about the connection between the planets and us. She is a big fan of astrology and never leaves an opportunity to talk or discuss astrology. She even speaks to the best astrologer in Australia, and surely I have seen a drastic change in her life lately. She seems more focused, happy, goal-oriented and above all, happy.

At first, I thought it was all a sham and never paid heed to her revelations. But slowly, she started to make sense, but still, I held myself from believing in all this.

On the other side, I was stuck in multiple toxic relationships. Before you judge me, let me elaborate. I was getting out of a long eight-year relationship and started to spend time with a new person in the hope of settlement. He seemed to be really nice, and being so vulnerable and super broken from my previous relationship, with a bit of affection my way, I just fell head over heels for it. But the sad part here is that this boy was carefree. He was only available at his ease, and there were no boundaries when it came to partying to hanging out with the opposite sex. In addition to that, I met another person who was a very caring doctor and looking for exclusivity. He was a nice person, but I did not feel for him that much like I felt for the party guy.

So, in short, I was still in love with my eight-year-old relationship, infatuated by the party guy, and felt cared for by the doctor. So I was scattered everywhere. It was like I wanted them all due to reasons.

When I was on the verge of walking out of a hollow eight years of relationship, I had no clue I would end up being more confused. Cathy understood my state and asked me to speak to one of the best astrologer in Australia just like she did. At first, I dismissed the idea of it, thinking how an astrologer can help me. It is all about my emotions and decisions, which are in my hand, not his. But I was wrong.

So, after a few days of contemplation, I decided to download the Astroyogi app. I scrolled through the best astrologers in Australia and finally shortlisted one.

I told her the whole story and asked her how it does affect my emotions and decisions.

She told me that each planet rules at least more than one aspect and behaviour trait, like planet Moon is responsible for our emotions and mental state and Planet Mars for decision making. When these planets are in a favourable position, you are likely to make the right decisions and be mentally stable.

But if it is vice-versa, then things are likely to get complicated. You might end up making wrong decisions. I was taken aback. Is it all true? Surely she did make sense and even gave me a few examples.

To be honest, I felt good talking to this astrologer in Perth. She asked me to make a few changes in my life, improve the current situation, and attain peace mentally and emotionally to make the right decision that is best for me.

After a week or so, I saw drastic changes. I felt more confident, focused and started to see things differently and positively. Indeed, Cathy’s suggestion worked.

Today, I have passed that whole setup and am well focused on my career. I often speak to the same astrologer to get guidance regarding life and to be more cautious.

Looking for an authentic astrologer for an effective solution? You are just a call away. Visit at astrologer in Melbourne

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How Do The Planets Affect Our Emotions & Decisions? The Expert Astrologer Reveals

78 Launches

Part of the Spirituality collection

Updated on June 18, 2021

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