


           Love can happen at any age. Today's story is about a boy who fell in love before even understanding what is love.
          Kirti used to go to a co ed school 🏫. He was 12 years old when everything began. Kirti entered his new classroom after a long vacation. The Boys👦 were seated separately from the girls 👧which is usually normal in co ed schools. The morning 🌄 prayer started and soon after that the teacher entered the classroom.Everyone greeted the teacher while singing 👨‍🎤🎶👩‍🎤🎶 in chorus "good morning miss" The teacher 👩‍🏫asked the students to give their introduction. Later the teacher changed places of boys👦 and were made to sit besides girls👧 so that there would be silence🤫 maintained in the class. Yeah silence🤐 used to be maintained but for a day or two, but after that everything becomes normal like nothing had happened.
             Kirti was made to sit beside Hansika. They started conversing after a few minutes of silence. In a few days, Kirti started to consider her as a friend. Even in the free hours he used to talk 🗣️to her. Eventually he started liking her.
             One day for some reason Kirti and Hansika's place  was changed. He was made to sit besides a boy whom he was acquainted with and vice versa. The next morning he entered the classroom but he was sad. One by one his classmates entered but then he saw👁️ her entering the classroom. But there was something odd. He saw Hansika but when he looked at her, she was also looking at him and she called him. His heart♥️ started pounding crazily. Kirti went towards her, she said that she didn't liked the girl 👧she was seated with and would like to sit besides him. She asked him to ask the teacher👩‍🏫 to make them seat to their usual place. He was happy . That was when he made a bold move which he thought he couldn't have done, the teacher entered the classroom and he went to the teacher and said that the person who is sitting next to him is troubling him and he would like to have his original place with  Hansika back.
             The teacher heard everything so did the class. The teacher said, "What do you exactly want?"
Ahmed the joker of the class replied to the teacher,"He just wants to sit beside Hansika, maam".
The whole class started laughing🤣🤣 and Kirti was also smiling☺️ but Kirti said him to stop but inside, these words were his exact feelings. After the class calmed down the teacher said,"Tell me if  he troubles you again, I will look into it sit back at your place with him" after this he was made to sit down.It was lunch break after the class teacher's period. His friend Sumith came and said," I think Hansika likes you or else she wouldn't have asked you that". He didn't get to sit besides her after that. As time passed by when Kirti used to see her his heart 💓 beated faster and he didn't knew why he was happy

              After some time, there was an introduction to a new assistant teacher  in English.He said there will be 1️⃣0️⃣ minutes reserved for 4️⃣ students everyday and each day a student will come and give a speech on any topic. It was Kirti's turn tomorrow. Kirti was ready for his speech💬🗣️. He was nervous 😬because he had stagefear but it went away as soon as he faced the class. He started giving the speech and moving his eyes from person to person maintaining eye contact. He was surprised that even Ahmed was listening to him carefully rather than laughing or making fun of him but when his eyes moved to the first row fourth bench near the door🚪 his eyes paused because it was none other than Hansika. For more than 5️⃣ seconds he was gazing at her because it was as if she saw him and turned her eyes, she appeared different to him because everyone was listening to him. It appeared as a signal to him as if his love was actually true.The speech was over, he did nothing just said thank you🙏 and went to his place. He was happy 😊because the girl he liked may actually like him.  But what was not expected that happened, the whole class applauded 👏👏for Kirti's speech. It was the only time the students applauded for someone's speech.
               A year⌛📆 passed by and Kirti and Hansika were still in the same class. For the Annual day of the school there was some space kept reserved in the class such that two rows of boys👦 faced each other and the girls faced the teachers. Kirti's friends were facing him that's when she entered, Kirti looked at her and quickly saw down trying to hide his feelings. But when he looked up his friends were looking at him and all were smiling😁😁. He knew they understood everything. During the recess when Kirti and his friends were having lunch, one of his friends said to him that he didn't knew that even Kirti liked someone. Kirti just smiled and said nothing to him. Kirti wanted to confess his feelings to Hansika but he couldn't gather the courage to do so.
                He always kept procrastinating that he will tell her when the time is right.Time passed. Exams were over and a new year had begun.Kirti secured second rank in his class which lead him to a different class than his friends but Sumith accompanied him to his new classroom. Kirti was really sad when he left the classroom and saw her thinking that it was the last time he will see her.
He saw her after he moved to the new classroom but not often. Hansika was in sports🏃‍♀️. So she used to come to practice early in the morning. Kirti's house was a 10 min walk from his school. So he used to come early to school compared to his usual timings. He was happy😁 seeing her once which made him happy throughout the day. He didn't knew how time had passed till now but he was in the final year in the school. He used to take extra classes at school since he wanted his grades💯 to improve. In the spare time while he was chatting with his friend, for the first time he told about his crush for the first time to Param. Param was the only person he had told.
                   The BOARDS 📋 exams had started, the school provided buses 🚌for the students to travel. Kirti boarded the bus 🚌and while traveling he had decided that he will confess during these exams.
Whenever he tried, he was irritated by the fact there was always some girls accompanying her.
                   Today was the last day of the exams and the boys were early to board their bus. Kirti was sitting in his place regretting that he couldn't confess. He was gazing through the windshield of the bus since the driver🧔 didn't come yet. As he was gazing he saw Hansika make eye contact with him until it felt weird for the first time. Soon the buses started and they were headed to their schools🏫. Kirti walked home with regret that he couldn't confess his love💕.
                   Kirti called Param and asked if anything could be done to confess his feelings. He said that Hansika was on Friendsbook and he could confess his feelings there. He created an account on Friendsbook and found Hansika on it. He started texting 💬her. He would never have the courage to confess his feelings better than now, so he confessed his feelings. Every second made his heart beat faster. A notification sound rung🔊 from his phone📳. It was Hansika's message it said NO.Kirti was sad for many days but he knew he couldn't do anything.Kirti moved to a different state in a few months due to some personal issues.
                  Life is not a movie but it will have twist and turns but it won't always have a happy ending. Life goes on. Why did Hansika said No? Was that eye contact fake?Nobody knows except Hansika Everybody's perspective is different. . Some answers to our questions remains unanswered for the good.

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Updated on February 18, 2023

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