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For many women, menopause can be a new chapter of their life. Occurring usually around the age of 50, menopause occurs when a woman reaches the end of her menstrual cycle after having no periods for about a year.
According to NHS Inform, most women in the UK tend to experience menopause at the age of 51 when their estrogen levels start to decline. However, there are also cases when one in a hundred women reaches menopause before the age of 30. This is known as premature ovarian insufficiency or premature menopause.
What to Expect From a Menopause
Every woman experiences menopause differently, but you will notice quite a few similar symptoms when you reach the end of your menstrual cycle. Mental and physical changes take place that can last a few years after or even before you get menopause.
Irregular Menstruation
The first sign that you will notice when you have or are close to reaching menopause is that your periods will start occurring less frequently. They might come less or more than usual, and the flow might have some irregularities too such as being too heavier or lighter. However, since this symptom might also be a sign of pregnancy or another medical issue, visiting a doctor for a proper diagnosis would put your mind at ease.
Lower Fertility
Menopause means that you can no longer give birth through natural means, but before you reach the end of your reproductive cycle, your estrogen levels begin to fall. This can lead to lower chances of becoming pregnant.
Dryness and Discomfort in the Vagina
Vaginal discomfort, itching, and dryness may start during your menopause and can continue into your menopause stage if someone who is already experiencing this might also feel discomfort and chafing during vaginal sex as well. Additionally, if the skin tears, it leads to an increase in possible infections.
You might also expose yourself to 'Atrophic Vaginitis,' which involves the thinning, inflammation, and drying of the vaginal wall. These symptoms can be relieved through various moisturizers or lubricants prescribed by your doctor.
Hot Flashes
This is another common sign that happens around the time of menopause. This can cause a woman to feel sudden hot sensations in her upper body that can start at the neck, face, or chest, which might progress either upwards or downwards. A hot flash can also cause you to experience extreme sweating or red patches that form on the skin.
Menopause Treatment
There are various ways you can get treatment for your menopause - a prime example being the amazing services provided by Winona Inc.
Winona Inc. is a US-based online telehealth company that is singularly focused on improving women's quality of life via promoting and supplying aging and menopause symptom treatments at its highest standards.
As such, they provide all women with fast, safe, and effective medical treatments on their online, easy-to-navigate telehealth platform. Treatments are delivered directly to their patients' doors from a licensed Winona pharmacy. For years now, the company has been providing their patients with services like free medical consultations through licensed physicians, available care 24/7, free delivery of medications, additional personal care products and many more.
Winona's CEO and CMO have been all too familiar with how there is an increasing shortage and appreciated how telehealth is able to provide innovative ways to expand their patients from rural areas and big cities to access quality medicine from anywhere in the world.
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Published on October 13, 2021
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