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Illustration by @luciesalgado
Designer bags are a luxurious option to carry for consumers. It is quite difficult for a person to copy handbags with same quality and durability as the original brand. But still, some criteria will help in forming an idea, as bags that you are using are fake.
The replica handbags are convincing, and it becomes difficult to detect bags. Not only brick and motor shops selling these bags but even online platform are known to be great dealers. Looking at some crucial points, a person can ensure if the bags are replicas or real.
Logo of Bag
High-level brands keep their logo consistent; they maintain a specific size and texture of logo. They use specific plates that offer even the same shade of color.
But if we talk about the replica bags, they are known to have some amount of inaccuracy in logo they add to their respective bag. Even misspelling is a common issue seen in the replica handbags.
Analyze Cost of Bags
Based on price of bag also, an idea can be formed as if they have originally branded bags or just replicas. In case of brands, they use high-quality materials and craftsmanship that will surely lead to an increase in the cost value.
On the contrary, there is an affordable cost for replica bags. Costing of these bags is done in such a way that a normal person can also afford them without facing any issues. They use materials and other things at the cost they wish to have.
Check Stitching of Bags.
Stitching is section of making the bags that require high skills and expertise. If the designers are not skilled, it will create trouble for people.
Stitching can easily be guessed as if it was done by an expert or not trained person. Looking at the stitching section of bag, you can get detail if your bag is a copy or a real one.
Go Through Hardware
Mostly, we ignore their zipper pills, buttons, and clasps while buying bags, but they are a crucial part of handbags. If bags are of the original brand, then a chance of wear and tear is not there.
But the material used, such as the zipper in replica watches, might deteriorate with time. It acts as a crucial point that will help to make a genuine choice as if the bags are real or replicas.
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00The most common form of diabetes is type 2 diabetes. The symptoms of diabetes include frequent urina
00Designer bags are a luxurious option to carry for consumers. It is quite difficult for a person.
0054 Launches
Part of the Mystery collection
Published on March 20, 2023
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