
Roam (revised)


The moon smiles at me as its perfect curve shone down upon me like a Cheshire's smile. Smiling at the wicked night of a dangerous strange smells of humans clashing. I could hear from miles away, their swords clashing, and their screams of agony and, so full of vengeance and revenge. I could smell their fear.

The night went slowly, and as each every passing time, one by one, I see every human on the battle field, as I approach unheard, lay on the dirt, drowned out by life. A red liquid strange substance seeping out everywhere on each of their large gashing wounds. Coloring the ground with pure hatred. The dark night adding to the color of darkness and horrors of danger. Strange smell, strange auras for my sensitive black nose. My ears twitching, alert and aware of the coming danger, for I am only a lone rogue sly animal in the forest — only passing by through the thick long grasses that hid my slender figure in the night.

I crouched down behind the long grass and watched the humans clashing their long, strange metal stick. My yellow fierce eyes watching every move they make, every danger a human could not see from behind.

It was like a battle of wolves, except, it was not the wolves that knaw at each other, but humans and their metal sticks —a loud clang echoing. I could not understand how humans use those long metal sticks to knaw at each other.

I watched 'till the end of their battle, a few humans remain, and they screamed in victory. I tilted my head, confused at their actions. I could not fully understand humans after all. They scream in agony, yet they also scream when they are wounded — stabbed through their hearts, and they scream in such joy for, after some clashing and echoes of their long metal sticks, a bloody victory.

I silently padded away from the battle field and into the deepest part of the forest. It was such an interesting curiosity as the battle of men unfolded before my yellow eyes. I should, once home, tell these encounterment to whom I consider as my friends in the forest. As a fox, I admit, every animal who has had laid their eyes on my red fur, slender body, would assume quickly that I was as sly as my father. Had he not have slied through the various animals in the forest, I would have been the most well-liked and admired throughout the forest. But then again, I was merely one of the animals that is one with nature and at the center of the food chain. Even then, if I was as admired as those huge tigers waiting for prey, or the pack of wolves known for their territoriality,

I would be, no doubt, only prey to the big bad wolves.

I stopped on my tracks and lifted my black nose through the air — sniffing any dangers that might come my way. I would rather avoid any complications through the night as I pad away and venture towards my own hole of a home. A hole where warmth is against this white, harsh, cold. I do am, indeed, confident that I can survive through this harsh winter cold. I have had my fill early on before encountering such curiosity these humans had made — quite not over yet at that curiosity.

There were lots of questions I had in mind as I continued my jog, skillfully jumping and slipping through the roots of the old trees in the forest, occasionally stopping to eat berries so as not to have my fill from earlier lay waste in my belly. My home was as far as the end of the earth. Many animals prefer not going towards the end, and I find it logical to build my home in a place where no animals or critters would ever step foot to. Of course, I would have to be careful not to be seen by them as anyone would be able to figure out that the end of the forest was actually not as a danger that the rumors had spread about. I would rather have the whole land at the end of the forest mine alone. I am as sly as anyone would say after all.

My paws pounding so softly as not to be heard by the bullies of the forest —nearing the wolves territory lands, I could not withstand their bites and long claws scratched against my snout, nor their paws trapping my tail. I stopped over a large tree, hiding quietly as I could, lifting my black wet nose up in the air — I huffed. The strong stench of blood and rot from their previous prey could be smelled through the core of my tail. I shuddered, those huge ravishing wolves. They spare not a single critter that passes through their territory.

Anyone would have wondered why I was here alive and passing through the territory of the wolves.

Well, as I was sly, I was also cunning — being of smaller stature, I am faster than their huge build.

Although, once caught in their sharp teeth, it would be the end of mine.

I ran towards the deep forest, jumping over a log, and dodging wild bushes. Smelling a rabbit to my left, and a deer to my right. I pray they will be prey to the wolves. I could not afford another injury. Even a slight bite could cause me my full stomach's worth on a harsh winter — and, might I add, the uncomforting pain it gives as I lay hibernating. I would rather not awoke to such swelling and rotting wound. I value my life too much — I still have these curiosities I want answers, and the adventures that lay awaiting for me to venture. I knew that the forest was not entirely the whole world. I have encountered humans who lay rest in a strange, shaped tree and those humongous strange, shaped rocks.

If I were to have a conclusion, they would be at the top of the food chain. I have seen them slaughter pigs and chickens and burn them to a crisp. They then enjoy it with a cup filled with a strong pungent smell of crushed grapes turned to liquid. I had a taste of it once, and it was a foul thing to have done to such sweet grapes. The humans become such strange creatures as they drink and drink the foul things. They laugh and fight and lay still on the cold wet ground. Then comes morning that would get kicked by some woman whose voice was harsher than that of the winter. There was another that I had encountered a smaller figure of the humans. It was, as I have learned, called a baby. It was fat and gurgled some utter nonsense. It was equivalent to a pup. But my pups would have had a better comprehension and syllables than this human pup. It was silly how they leave their young to their own venture without any worry at all. Well, they were at the top of the food chain. Who would want to worry when you are at the top? Every animal would envy that. I too would like to be at the top of the food chain. But alas, I was not, and I was only in the middle of the food chain.

These young human pups, as I have also learned, grow up to be just like the grown humans I see on the streets. Now everyone would wonder how I had survived without getting roasted like those of the chickens and pigs they eat — simple, I was cunning and sly after all. I can sneak up to anybody from behind and they would not even know I was there at all — watching them with observing yellow eyes of mine.

I had also sought how they went into the sea with their oddly shaped tree house, but this kind of house had no roof nor any bedding to sleep upon. This oddly shaped house made of wood floated in the sea! I could see them from even afar — so tiny like an ant. For what they do there out in the open, I would later find out. Were they curious about what was out there? What are they looking for? What are they waiting for?

I had been curious myself of the wide sea. It was a body of water, yet so salty that you could not drink from it lest you like salty water. I had seen some beings that slithered around the water as I was looking down from a rock. They were odd-looking shape for an animal. My head would tilt as I look at those things in the sea with fascination. My, one other time, I had myself slapped by one of their thin tails as I got my nose too close to the water to sniff out this strange creature. The slap was unlike other slaps I had experienced from the wolves as they jam my head into the ground.

There was a sting, and watery — well, as to be expected since they live in the water.

Those short adventures I had left me yearning for more. The trees were scattered everywhere but the sight of my path was as clear to me as day. The moon shone so dimly above the trees — making an enough shade for me to hide in the shadows. Only my yellow bright eyes shone. Anyone would see it from a few feet away, unless you’re a wolf that is. They can smell fear faster than they can see my yellow eyes shining in the shadows of the trees.

I had come home once with a leg broken by these savage wolves. I had needed to come out as my pups were hungry. It was one winter season — cold on my paws, I shook off the chill and ventured into the wolf's territory. I knew they had plenty of catch before the winter started. But I also knew it was a dangerous venture to steal even a small meat from theirs.

I had opted for some choices made — sneak at the back and steal meat, or politely ask them for meat. I had stopped on my tracks on those two thoughts. The latter was in no way they would allow anyone to get meat even if politely asked. Now the first one, I could do. And if I was caught, I would be done for. I had to make my escape quick at that time. But alas, I was not quick enough, and I had not sensed that one wolf that had kept watch on the rotting meat. Wolves tend to go back to the meat they had left as there still was a bit of flesh to eat about. It was naïve on my part to think that the wolves would not come back for it as it was rotting. Rotting meat was enough for my pups and I than nothing at all at that time.

I ran with speed against the moon above, and with speed, I ran with my reflexes. I dodged the roots propped up on the ground so easily that a human hunter would have a hard time catching me. I was proud of my flexibility and knowing my way around these woods. I had grew up in here after all. I knew which steps to take, which not to. Twigs can easily break, and old leaves that fell would crunch loud enough for every critter and predator to hear it.

Hunters, I shivered at the thought as I reminisced about the time my front leg was caught in one of their traps. In the woods, wolves weren't my only enemy. As the season of winter, it is a year of hard catch for meals to humans and long hibernation to us, and deep protection under the snow from the bullies that roam in the winter. Their traps were as painful as those sharp teeth from the wolves.

I stopped on my run and raised my snout onto the sky. My nose smelling the bullies from around the corner, my ears twitching as I strain to hear their movements. The wind howling in the night, to which I was thankful for, the wolves’ ears would hear every leaf that the cold wind shivered to their branches, my tail leveled with my spine as I sense a watchful eye. The fur on my back stood up, I raised my snout again to sniff at the cold air. Winter has come indeed as I could feel it through my nose.

I lowered my body down into the shadows, hoping that whatever danger I sensed would come to pass. My eyes and ears alert for any slightest sound I could hear. My panting stopped as I did not want them to see where I was hiding. Tail tucked between my legs, fear.

I looked up at the perfect circular moon that shone brightly through the forest. Yellow eyes onto the only hope I had. I pray to the gods that the moon would be clouded over even for a second. I would escape quicker than I had before. I let out a small whine as the cold wind thrashed through the leaves. My ears perked up in every direction it could to detect any growl or any footsteps.


My head whipped towards the direction the twig snapped. My yellow eyes alert for any sudden movement in the direction to where my instinct guessed. I pray again that it was not wolves that snapped those twigs, but a rabbit or a deer. I raised my front left leg, ready to dart out if it was a danger. I could not make any sudden movements, lest the wolves ambush. But I hoped again they were not wolves who would ambush.

A shadow ran across the other bush, having its hideout given away. I crouched my body lower than it was, ready to dart away and escape once again into their grasp. My ears and nose alert. I

knew then that it was not any other animal who only came to pass by.

I raised again my snout for a third sniff. I huffed. Wolves. Fear ran down my spine and fur as I looked everywhere in between the bushes. From there on, I saw large golden orbs watching my small stature. Please. I pleaded to whatever gods.

I had been too late when I tried to turn and escaped from the shadows — large heavy paws slammed me against the ground. Yelping at the pain, and the claws that already dug deep to my fur and into my neck. My weak fur-colored brown legs pushed and pushed the attacker as more wolves came out from their hide out. Growls reverberated on my red orange fur. Fear could be sensed into my core as those golden orbs stared down at me.

I looked into those sharp canine teeth that could tear a flesh in one bite. I whimpered, begging for mercy. Begging to the gods that there would be any miracles. I still want to live and teach my pups about the limited world they had seen. The adventures I wanted to tell them, to tell them the ways of the harsh world. A tear escaped my eye as the thought that my pups would have to learn the harsh ways by going through it alone.

The alpha wolf snapped its jaws at my face — a way of taunting more fear in my eyes than that it had held than it could bare. I was helpless in these matters when the wolves were the ones to pin me down on the ground. I was only a small sly of stature, and they had the advantage of having these huge paws and sharp canine teeth.

I could not help but whimper in pain and sadness. I was lone and abandoned since when I knew how to hunt then. Hunters left me with my mother beaten down to death and to my own survival and alone in the dangers of the woods. Only then that I had met another and had my pups that I had been excited of the world and to teach them.

The alpha slammed his large heavy paws in my chest once again and I yelped loudly. Their growls of hunger, waiting for a command to attack and knaw out of my life.

The wolves could smell the fear I was showing, the pain and the sadness.

I closed my eyes, heaving, hiding my yellow eyes away from the hungry bullies of the forest.

Those beautiful life I had when I ventured out into the world flashed in my memories. I knew I could not escape this time.

I remembered the sunny fields we went by the morning of spring, the smell of flowers, the golden wheat, the green long grasses, the healthy ground that you could lay upon the warm sun. The rays of the sun, heating my fur coat, the lovely scent of wheat. The air so fresh that I could laze around the field without a worry. My pups playing around, hopping here and there, one pup of mine got curious about this butterfly that landed on a flower. Her tiny nose perked up at the butterfly, her tail wagged as she jumped up into the flower, following the butterfly around. I could only watch her explore the wonders and beauty of this world. Now it was only a memory I will always remember.

A sharp stinging bite interrupted my only beautiful memory. I yelp and whimpered, my hind legs pushing the alpha wolf. Another wolf bit my leg, their sharp teeth going through my skin. I yelped in so much pain that it left me no strength to move.

In the end, I let them take me, a weak fox who had dreams of venturing. Now, only a meal to their cold night. Morbid as it sounds, a predator eating a predator that was prey to other bigger species in the forest.

I could only remember the sunny fields and the warmth of the sun as I felt my own pool of blood against my fur.

A single tear left my eye as I let myself venture to another world.

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Roam (revised)

19 Launches

Part of the Life collection

Published on March 04, 2023

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