
Illustration by @dariaesste

Saving Time and Money With a Building Consultant


In the business of building, time often equals money. Applying for building permits can be a costly adventure if your applications and designs aren't up to snuff. Consider this: to acquire a permit to build a hotel (let's say the size of The Drake) in the City of Chicago, the cost would run several thousand dollars and well over a month's time to process the application - and that's if all your ducks are in a row!

On the other hand, if your application or any information pertaining to the building design plans is incomplete upon first submittal, you'll be required to resubmit the information. Permit expediter

Once you pass the first stage, your documents will then go to the initial review. During this stage, any changes needed to the design plan to adhere to building codes will require corrections or revised plans showing the changes being requested by the review board.

This process continues until all requirements have been met. If due diligence wasn't given before the application process you could be looking at additional months of waiting time before your project can get off the ground. Time wasted equals money wasted.

If this process sounds like it could be a distraction to your project, the better option is to seek a firm for building code advice to perform the dirty work for you. Yes, it will cost you money up front, but by hiring a building professional to consult your work will result in time saved, reduced money expenditures and far fewer headaches. By identifying applicable building codes and conducting a thorough analysis of your municipality's zoning regulations, code consultants are able to anticipate issues and avoid expensive delays and corrections down the road.

In addition to the process of identifying applicable codes for your project, building consultants will provide documentation, clarification and advice to achieve code compliance, complete and submit any required paperwork and review residential and/or commercial accessibility and health codes.

Building Permits Chicago

Do you need any building permits Chicago for a residential or commercial project? The submittal process can often be confusing from changing requirements and conflicting information. This is where Permit Studio can help. From the Easy Permit or more complex permits, Permit Studio is here to help. Obtaining building permits Chicago is vital for any renovation or remodeling project that can change the look or structure of a building. These permits are important for contractors, and we are here to provide you with anything that you may need when it comes to applying, checking the status of the permit, and keeping any permit up to date.

This development of complete understanding of the project helps to streamline the submission and spot issues before they become problems.

The benefits of using a building consultant are plentiful. However, it is necessary to find the right consultant that will serve you well. You'll want to search for quality customer service, one that offers individualized attention - from start to finish. You want a consultant that will have your needs at the forefront; one that will make you feel confident that your project deadlines will be met and costs will remain within budget.

If these criteria are met, you, as the prospective builder, will have a wonderful asset on your team who will save you time and money, allow you to focus on your project and its challenges, and above all else: peace of mind.

Types of Building Permits

There are several building permits needed when completing a large construction project. Whether it is commercial or residential construction, the amount of paper work for the needed building permits can cause a builder a lot of aggravation and stress. This is why builders and construction companies are turning to permit expeditors to handle this part of the project for them. This is a list of some of the areas building permit expeditors provide assistance with:

Residential Construction - required for all residential construction

Commercial Construction - required for all commercial construction

Demolition - required for demolition of part/or whole buildings

Electrical - required for all electric work

Elevator Installation - required for all elevator installations

Excavation - required prior to excavation (states you must notify owners of adjacent properties 30 days in advance)

Plumbing - required to do any plumbing work

Ventilation & Heating - required to move or remove ventilation and heating units

Sign - required to move or remove building signs

Scaffolding - required to use any scaffolding during construction

This is by no means a comprehensive list of all building permits. Other types of projects that require permits are: attic and basement renovations, replacing of chimneys, conversion of a single family home into multiple units, deck construction, driveway installations, garage attachments and detachments, masonry projects, skylight construction, roofing projects, swimming pool construction, as well as security alarm installation.

Because there are so many different types of permits, just knowing what you will need for a given construction project can be a hassle on its own. When an expeditor is hired they handle all the time-consuming paper work and research, freeing up time and energy for the builder to focus on the project at hand. Permits usually taken between twenty and sixty businesses days to review so having an expeditor work with you from the beginning is extremely important to make sure your project is completed on schedule.

Why are Building Permits Necessary?

Forcing companies and builders to apply and adhere to building permits is important for many reasons.

Not only is it a great way for the city to make money, but it also ensures the safe and ethical completion of construction projects. This is not only to make sure the building itself doesn't collapse, but also provide rules to safeguard public health by regulating waste water as well as other health hazards. Insurance companies place a heavy reliance on these as key indicators of a project's safety and reliability. Different insurance policies are instituted depending on when building permits were updated. Visit us

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Saving Time and Money With a Building Consultant

29 Launches

Part of the Happenings collection

Published on December 17, 2022

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