
Top Collagen Supplements Available in Pakistan


What are the best types of collagen supplements available in Pakistan? and what are the benefits of taking collagen supplements?

Collagen supplements come in 3 different forms - capsules or pills, powder, or liquid. The quality of collagen also varies, you can find cheap collagen, or expensive collagen - they do differ in their quality, and there is a reason for the higher prices for some types of collagen - it is up to you to see if it is worth it or not - but these supplements are often peer reviewed and trustable. (This article was last updated on 15th September 2021). 

The most bioavailable and easily manageable type of collagen is in powder form (because pills are too small for quantity you need per day), and it is usually broken down (hydrolyzed) so it is easier digested than collagen in foods - and usually won't have any taste when mixed with water.

In order to get the best results from collagen, you need the highest grade of collagen - currently the good collagen products in Pakistan are as follows:

1. Vitality Collagen by Immortal's Path - This is a high quality collagen, which is also halal, Organic and Non-GMO. It is the only type of Halal collagen, that is Non-GMO, verified by UKCP, available in in Pakistan as well as internationally.

This collagen supplement can be purchased via the following link, which is their official website in Pakistan: 

Vitality by Immortal's Path is a collagen powder, hydrolyzed to a certain specific molecular size and weight which allows your body to absorb it easily, and naturally.

Their product is a 100% halal, and suitable for men and women of all ages.

You do not need a prescription to purchase this. 

Price in Pakistan for this collagen product is around 7,000 PKR - this is considered by some, a high end, luxury product.

How to Take Vitality Collagen by Immortal's Path - Take 2 tablespoons, 2 times a day, preferably on an empty stomach. Mix into any drink, cold or hot - it mixes well - even in tea, or coffee or soup - it won't change the taste of the food or drink - make sure to drink it within 1-2 minutes of mixing - do not wait longer to drink it. 

Benefits: Although we cover benefits of collagen further down in this article - the Vitality Collagen Supplement by Immortal's Path state their benefits as supporting hair growth, skin renewal, anti-aging as well as strengthening bone and much more. 

Reasons you should try collagen if you have any of the following below (this means you can benefit greatly from taking collagen if you have these) - but it is still a good idea to consult a doctor, as these can be caused by an underlying health condition - below are just related symptoms but there are much more (for reference and study click here).

- Hair thinning

- Hair Fall

- Uneven Skin tone and complexion

- Uneven color of skin (dark in some areas, and light in other areas).

2. Neocell Super Collagen - This can be bought on and other online stores, but this is not as good quality as the Vitality Collagen mentioned above - the molecular weight and particle size is not adequate enough to be absorbed the same way as Vitality does - this is our opinion, but you should verify this yourself if you are unsure what to buy - usually best option is try all safe options, and pick what suits you.

Price for this in Pakistan is about 6,500 PKR - which is 500 rupees cheaper, but also less quality - you get what you pay for - when it comes to the fuel you put in your body, it should really be the best. This is still a good collagen supplement and also available in the UAE. 

For example, if you own a Ferrari, or expensive luxury car, you would want to put the extra clean fuel, so that the car lasts much longer with less engine problems on combustion. The same I would say applies to your body.

Side note: Not sure if Neocell Collagen is 100% halal, as they have capsule versions of their collagen.

What are the benefits of Collagen?

It has been said that collagen is responsible for youthful looking skin. There are many well-documented benefits of collagen to the human body - although studies are conflighted, the reviews seem on the positive side.

A study conducted by the National Health Institute (link here: found the positive effects of collagen on the human body relating to anti-aging benefits, wrinkle prevention and removal, as well as skin tone improvements (41% improvements from skin roughness alone - which is very significant at such a low dosage of collagen).

Collagen helps to make your bones stronger (Study done here), it keeps your joints supple and elastic, it prevents sagging, helps with weight loss, and improves your skin tone (for Source/Study click here). Collagen increases the volume of your skin, making it appear more full and supple.

 There are many more benefits of collagen than we can cover in this article alone; what we will discuss today is the skin care benefits of collagen.

There are many skin issues that collagen is necessary for treating. 

The most common things that collagen reviews usually talk about,  customers have said it addresses their skin dryness, tightness, fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Some disagree with these claims, whilst some rave about it - it seems its a matter of testing if it is suitable for you (even though it is practically a vitamin for your body skin and hair). 

There are also other review benefits of collagen such as increased elasticity, hydration, and skin tone - collagen also does the following:

* Helps to make your skin plump and less wrinkled.

* Helps to make your joints move easier and without pain.

* Provides a greater degree of connective tissues between your bones and muscles.

* Provides the building blocks for stronger cartilage.

Collagen is an amino acid complex found in your connective tissues. When you are younger, your body produces plenty of this amino acid combination in order to provide your connective tissues with the materials they need to be functional. 

As you get older, your body doesn't produce this amino acid complex as much. So, when you are in your middle age, your connective tissues may not be as robust as they need to be in order to be as flexible and supple as they should be. (studies source and references: click here for study).

As you may have guessed, taking collagen supplements on a regular basis will increase your chances of enjoying the benefits of collagen according to many reviews online and forums. 

Some reviews have said that you won't see visible results until after a few months of continuous taking. So, be sure to pick high quality products that will help you achieve the body you've always wanted.

Bonus: some reviews have said, that sometimes collagen benefits can be felt in a matter of days, but it is better to take it long term, to see the maximum benefits. This is a review, and not a study in itself. 

Besides helping your skin and joints, collagen can also improve the structure of your gut. Collagen helps the gut connective tissue become stronger and last longer. This makes it easier for your gut to absorb vitamins and nutrients from food. Without collagen and vitamin c, your gut won't be able to produce these tissues - (for source/study click here).

If you have any questions, please comment below and let us know.

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Top Collagen Supplements Available in Pakistan

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Updated on September 16, 2021

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