
Jake slessor


teeth straightening

  • 291 Stories
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Jake's Stories

Published in the Society collection
October 20, 2023

Is Invisalign Suitable for Children and Teens?

Regarding orthodontic treatment for children and teens, Invisalign has become an increasingly popula

16 Launches
Published in the Society collection
October 13, 2023
Published in the Society collection
October 07, 2023
Published in the Life collection
September 15, 2023

What To Know About Bottom Teeth Braces?

Getting braces is a journey that will make you happy as you soon get dazzling, straight teeth.

26 Launches
Published in the Something Else collection
September 02, 2023

Why Invisalign Clear Braces Are Good Choice?

Invislaign is a new way to brighten your smile that you may hide due to uneven teeth or misalignment

14 Launches

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