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Illustration by @luciesalgado
the only word i see when i look at the word "people" is "lope" , yeah i've this natural tendency to rearrange words, make subsets . whatever , the point is that elope is a caution statement "HEY! THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE! RUN!!!" my hate for people is based on certain past experiences and trust me i can't recall a single event where i had a regret on my belief. i don't have any public anxiety or fear , i just have hate for them !plethora of hate. i look at some people and the only thoughts surpassing my ming are "FUCK! judgements, idiotic minds, expectations, assumptions" .
I am aware of the fact that not all people are that way but i can't risk it right? #notallpeople sounds absurd cause majority people are shit . well i will be honest enough to count myself in! i don't basically judge people , i just give them scores on how much "this person can be a pain in the ass."
there is this one 'no-personality' type people who are always like "OMG you know this! , you have this, you do this! , i to don't like this " and i'm like yeah dumb shit i figured that out but why are you telling me this !! you need help ask for it or go make your fucking ass do something.
then there is another category of people who make changing so difficult . they'll come and blabber "OH ! SO YOU ARE DIETING NOW, OH! YOU DON'T GIVE ME TIME NOW , OH! YOU ARE PREPARING FOR EXAMS NOW! OH ! U'VE CHANGED". like yeah! that's what humans are supposed to do grow and evolve. you too get a life and stop intruding into mine. the reason i've put the statements in double-quotations is because these are puns, comments . a minority population also comprises of people who are genuinely concerned and love to see you growing. i've no hate for them.
then comes "the moody ones" , they'll be soo lively sometimes and will completely ignore you other times. they'll make you believe you are the world to them for one day and make you believe you never existed the next day. when they have a problem they want you to listen but not the vice-versa .well i can kind of tolerate such people cause i'm one of them (yeah hypocrite)
this last type "THE GOOD PEOPLE". yeah! i've problem with them too cause they are soo fucking good. they treat you so well, understand you! and they obviously deserve people better than me cause i'm a fucking asshole. i believe these all good angelic people deserve to be in a different community ,not amongst the devil community.
i really admire the people who know the subtle art of not giving a fuck cause i can't .well me writing this article instead of sleeping explains how much power i've given to people despite knowing they don't deserve it. my hatred for people doesn't mean i've no friends lol! . i've but i don't call them people i address them as peeps , rearrange and you'll get the word seep, which basically means to flow , you can just let out your emotions without being judged and can be urself! .
still i find the most comfort in being with myself. headphones plugged in and a nice stroll or maybe a drive. feels a bliss. people show pity on me cause apparently i'm alone . the only thought that comes to mind is "dude at least i'm not dependant on an external source for happiness" but then i think maybe i'm satisfying myself . i honestly don't know but this is for sure that ultimately its me who is gonna be by my side and who ultimately has to fight.
you deepened to well of emptiness........................................... you shouldn't have come
10118 Launches
Part of the Life collection
Updated on May 17, 2022
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