
An Open Letter to my Roommate-For-Life


Hey there !

I don't know if you still realise. Heck ! Even I don't know if I realise it yet. So this is an open letter to my unrealistic better half out there.

Where do I begin? How do I tell you that I've been waiting all my life to meet you? Oh wait, I just said that. Okay, let me tell you something. I am a perfect example for 'Don't judge a book by it's cover.' because at the first impression, you might've judged me by my looks. But only when you know me, you'll realise that this big rock has a very soft heart.

I'll admit my heart to you. I'm a sensitive person. I love being a crybaby and that's a truth. I cry. A lot. And I'm not a bit ashamed of it. I am wee bit emotional and I'm too practical than you can ever imagine.

But my girl, don't get scared, because as soft as I am, I am as intense too, when it comes to loving you. I have a a lot of promises in mind to make, just to you.

You can be rest assured that you will be the only love of my life. I will be there for you, help you grow and make you happy as much as I can and as long as there is breath in this body. I promise to rekindle the fire of love within, no matter how many rough patches we may go through.

But I must warn you on this. As much as I like to keep you happy, your happiness will not be my responsibility. We should be happy individually. Only then we can come together and share our happiness. I promise that I will respect your individuality and personal space.

Dear, you should know that I'm a people pleaser. I have always lost more in my life than I've gained due to the good heart, I believe to have. But I promise you, I will always accept the love you give me and never expect more from you. I promise I will always give more than I receive.

If we keep looking in the reflection of our broken past, we will always look ugly and distorted so much, that we start thinking we are unlovable. We fail to realise that the flaws are not in how we look, but in whose eyes we are seeing ourselves through. I promise to accept you for who you are and not by your past.

I strongly believe that, if you can't be someone's sun, try not to be their dark clouds either. In Life, anything is a possibility and if, you feel that I'm not your sun anymore or if you feel you're not happy with me, I will let you go.  Fate may have tied us together, but knots can be untangled. I will always love you, dear. But, I can love you and still let you go. I promise you can always walk out of this relationship if you're not happy.

As I said before, anything can happen in Life. If you remember anything of me, after I leave this world, remember that I would have loved you even when it was foolish and that I would have cared for you, even when it was unwanted. When my body is gone, remember the way my heart bled for you. I promise, even in my absence, I will love you.

Looks can be deceiving, but your heart will be the one I fall in love with. Of course, I will love you physically as well. But no matter how worst it may get, I will never stop loving you for the way you look. I will promise you to always intertwine our hands, look into your eyes and love you till one of us dies.

Oh wait, I think I just broke my first promise. You might want to keep this in your mind. I might love you. But my heart will belong to another girl. That might be our daughter. Yes. I want to have a daughter because you know how much a daughter will love her father.

Let this be my last promise for now. I promise that we shall grow old together and even then, I will love you, till my back hurts and your teeth falls.

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launchora_imgIndu S
4 years ago
A beautiful heart deserves a beautiful heart too! Well xplnd ❤
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Wrapped in your glowing beauty ❤️

Cause girl you're amazing, just the way you are!

Abiyum Naanum

Abiyum Naanum - Carpe Diem

An Open Letter to my Roommate-For-Life

My promises to my future better half. :)


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An Open Letter to my Roommate-For-Life

165 Launches

Part of the Love collection

Updated on April 16, 2020

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