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Illustration by @dariaesste
I walk bare feet on the roads every night
I roll my body on the wet grass
I look at the dark blue sky and wonder
Is the sky seeing the grass as green?
What if it’s green is different from mine
What if it’s green is my blue?
I had this friend
Very good in studies but bad in sports
He just couldn’t run
His parents kept saying
Run! Run! Run!
He fell down
We are trapped in an illusion
We can’t admit things
We can’t digest the fact that sky can see differently than us
We want the grass to be green in all eyes
We forget that all colors unite
To make a beautiful rainbow
Why is green more important
My friend, In order to become green
Lost its own blue
And became colorless
Now, he wanders here and there
To find his blue
By walking bare feet on the roads every night
Rolling his body on the wet grass
And looking at the dark blue sky.
69 Launches
Part of the Poetry collection
Published on March 01, 2018
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