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There's always something about sunsets. How the colours change every minute, how you can never predict what it's gonna be like nor how it makes you feel.
Maybe that's why there's so much beauty in it. It's more than just a picturesque view; it's a whole feeling - happiness, loneliness, longing, peace. All emotions at that one still moment despite having felt nothing for such a long time.
I stare at it forever, forgetting everything that's been happening all around. I assume it's just me, the orange sky, and nothing else. How peaceful would it be if it was just that- no chaos, no madness, no fear.
I look up and believe I'm just like them sunsets. Ever-changing, unpredictable.... beautiful. Maybe it won't always be the prettiest every day, but it comes with a promise that at different moments, it will be.
Although, there will be times where you don't even see the sunsets, yet you know it's there just hiding behind those dark grey clouds. It is exactly like me, just hiding but wishing someone could see the different colours it is capable of showing.
Oh, how I wish there will be someone patient enough to wait. To wait until I'm brave enough to show such colours. I wish there's someone who looks at me and feels all the emotions I feel when I look at those sunsets - pure happiness when I'm around, a bit of loneliness at times when I'm down, longing when I'm away, and lastly I hope he feels at peace, knowing that I'll always be there, and my love will always be wherever he is.
517 Launches
Part of the Life collection
Updated on June 14, 2021
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