
Untitled story


Next in line is Noor. She is the protagonist of the story and i'm basically just telling the story of her life, including her family because of how important the family is to her.

As we already know, she took after her father in many ways . She is almost an illyrian herself.

And the white hair proves no different.

She was the heaviest and most painful child for her mother to bear during her pregnancy period. Lena almost died just giving birth to her, not to mention her suffering during the nine long months, and after she was born, her hair came off as white as cotton and came with her a twin brother.

He died not minutes after he was born, so weak and thin that he couldn't scream the first shout all babies cry at first and so, died.

the reason behind his weakness is his sister. she is a gifted baby and because of the fact that they consume all of the mother's energy, they become the center of attention where all the nutrition goes to, leaving a twin brother\sister with not much to receive and so, making the other child so weak and sometimes dies before birth.

The parents knew that the other child would die, but they grieved him nonetheless.

And so, the little Noor was named after her deceased brother, as they felt like he gave her his life so she could become a healthy gifted girl.

And just like that, Noor became two lives in one. and that would explain her moody and unstable personality.

Noor knew without her parents telling her ,that she had another half. But she never minded that fact, as in their world, a twin is considered to be one soul in two bodies but in Noor's case, she is two souls in one body.

''As i said before, Noor resembles the power of both wind and light, so it's natural for her to learn how to manipulate the air around her and fly. but she needs some training first. And as only the illyrians can control the winds, it was her father's duty to teach her. In her first lesson, he told her to feel the air around her and told her that air has no fixed shape, making it take the shape of any container it's put into.

So from that point he wanted her to learn how to bend air. And with that being said, he simply pushed her off the mountain peak and sat down to sip on his tea, leaving Noor to fall to her doom.

Or did she? you see, another astonishing fact about the illyrians is, their amazing ability of survival.

when an illyrian gets himself in trouble, his whole body reacts on its own to avoid any possible damage.

Knowing that, the father wanted to awaken this ability in Noor next to teaching her how to fly because, a flying lesson or experience might turn out to be fatal if any thing went wrong so they had to have such an ability to avoid any casualties.

It took her no time until she started soaring the skies. Back then she felt what it really means to be free.

It was like the whole world was so insignificant and little compared to the happiness and freedom she felt when she flew away.

She liked to share her lessons with Janna, her younger sister. Janna hated heights and was contented with just sitting on the ground but Noor loo~ooved getting her out of her comfort zone and making her experience new things.

With days going by, Janna learned how to like those flying lessons she had to share with Noor.

I haven't said much about Noor's characteristics since she is the protagonist, you'll get to know her from the story itself.   


Last one is Jannah, Jannah is the youngest sister of the four.She was never a normal baby or a normal kid.

She talked not after six month of her birth and not any talk, she would have conversations just like any adult would!

she didn't walk as early as she talked though. It took her three years to walk.

The girl look like her mother in many ways but was never that attached to her or her father.

she seemed a little wary of other people including her family members.

the only person who knew how to deal with her was the family maid, Hilda.

Janna is an intelligent girl with a very high IQ, which explains her behavior.

It is said that when the intelligence of people exceed some point, one is to be considered to some extent abnormal.

in janna's case, her disturbance was in her socializing skills.

you see, when she obtained these amazing mental specialities, she lost the basic ground of communicating and socializing, making her look like an autistic.

Over the years, and with the help of her family, she gained some experience on interacting with people.

I must say that her incapability was made up for in other aspects than her brains.she is gifted in communicating with animals, so much that she once thought her self one of them.

she has a pet that never leaves her side as she considers him her very first friend, he is a deer called moose, and don't ask why.

Jannah is the sweetheart of all her family since she is the youngest. Five years separate between each of the four sisters. So Hind the eldest was 15 when Jannah was born.

In the story we will see how the family will struggle with a young smart kid to teach her that there is more to life than just nature and its animals, and we will see Jannah struggling back to show her family that nature is kindest, kinder to us than any human could ever be. and that animals are honest and easier to interact with, than this complicated thing called society.

Noor was very interested in little Jannah since the day her mother got pregnant with her.

She took Jannah with her everywhere, She even had a shared bed with her.

She was the one who taught her how to walk as well as many other things.

Due to sharing everything with her sister, even her meals, Jannah grew more attached to her family and less to Helda, but she loved her like a mother still.

Noor and Jannah would fight more than anything! but it wasn't a minute till they would make up again.

When Jannah was six month old and started talking, she would never speak to anyone but Helda.

So Noor would sneak at night to the maid's room to see her telling Jannah a bedtime story while Jannah asking all those questions of her's.

That was the time Noor waited for from one day to the next.

She learned much from hearing those conversations about Jannah and used the valuable information to trick Jannah to speak with her, and it worked!

And from that moment onwards, their relationship as sisters began growing stronger.

(that'd be the last of the 0 chapters and the next one is the first official chapter, thx for reading =] )

3 Launchers recommend this story
launchora_imgLakshya Datta
8 years ago
Small suggestion - since you're publishing one chapter at a time (I know, we should give a feature that lets you update the same story, it'll take time but we're working hard on it!), you might consider adding a link to the previous chapter so new readers can catch up :)
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Untitled story

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Part of the Fantasy collection

Published on May 13, 2015

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